Challenge Rule: When declaring a challenge the challenge will take place in the defenders world, meaning my opponent.
1.) If i have Olympia equipped and my opponent controls the OC World card and i do not, do i get the bonus? I would say yes because im in OC, but i would like a confirmation on this.
Another scenario:
2.) If I control OC world card while this card is equipped, and my opponent controls another world card (lets say Wonderland), in this challenge do i lose the +3 bonus because the challenge is taking place in Wonderland, or is the effect ongoing because I control OC?
Thanks in advance. =)
Olympia Equipment
I'd say the bonus remains, since it says that "When OC is your topmost World Card.", and not "When you are on OC...". In the second case, it would work like your examples, but as it stands, you have to have OC as your current World card.