Distribution...Good or Bad?

By Vann1999, in Star Wars: Destiny

So I have opened four boxes now. Through it all, I am underwhelmed with the distribution of cards. Does anyone need a Leia or Veers. In four boxes I have 6 and 5 respectively. Each box has averaged 5 duplicate rares and 6 legendary cards. But how rare are some of those rares and how legendary are some of those purple numbers? With 6 Leia cards, I have less of some uncommon cards. Cards like the scouts and troopers, I have 5 or 6 of those each as well. As an avid collector of Decipher's Star Wars game, I knew what to expect in each box I bought. Early on, you got 1 duplicate rare in each box. As time went on, that sprang up to two. Not until they lost their license and shipped Death Star II did you really see a lot of duplicates. I remember getting a case of that set and ending up with 6-7 duplicate rares per box. And I didn't complete the set with that case--something that never happened in their previous releases. In Destiny, I imagine Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker, and perhaps Han and the Falcon, are the most elusive of the legendary cards. I'm guessing their allocation is 1 to a case. Between myself and my friend, we have opened 7 boxes and have seen 2 Lukes, 2 Vaders and 1 Falcon. We have 4 or more of Jabba, Crime Lord, and Poe.

This game is great. Fun to Play, Easy to Learn. Having collected more than my share of CCGs over time, I can say this is a fairly poor allocation in my opinion.
