Additional Preview for Spirit of Rebellion

By Crabbok, in Star Wars: Destiny


Just posted to Reddit.


Weird. Can't imagine they'd go with making Maz a character dice so early - much better ones to choose from...

Weird. Can't imagine they'd go with making Maz a character dice so early - much better ones to choose from...

It may not be a character, more likely it is a support. Or it may not even be Maz herself. Look at On The Hunt, it has a great picture of Cad Bane on it, but we don't have a character card for him.

Edited by Bowser

Weird. Can't imagine they'd go with making Maz a character dice so early - much better ones to choose from...

In the Awakening's set, every color and affiliation has a prequel character, an OG trilogy character and a TFA character*. I can see them going for a similar spread with Spirit of Rebellion, and TBH Maz is probably the most recognizable fit for a TFA yellow Hero.

*the only exception being red Hero, which has Ackbar in the prequel slot for some reason.

Edited by Don_Silvarro

Maz, R2, and Old Ben. I was initially worried SoR would be too RO heavy, but FFG is doing really well at keeping enough varied material to help all fans stay interested.

I wonder what gaming direction Maz will go in and if she'll stay in that gaming direction after the later movies come out.

I'm not sure Maz will have a large role to play in future saga movies, if any. She did the Lady of the Lake thing and handed over the Excalibur she was charged to protect, her part is done. With Luke around she'd be mostly redundant as a 'sage advice' character and the "good question for another time" line regarding the lightsaber just seems like the perfect supplementary novel/comic book to me, not a saga movie plot.

Great find, Crabbok. Thanks for sharing.

I was hoping for Lando and Chewie as yellows with Jyn, so I am hoping Maz is a support not a character but I can see them keeping one of Lando or Chewie for the 3rd set.

Very happy R2 and Obi Wan are coming.

I think Chewie will still be here... but Lando might be delayed until next expansion.

I'm VERY happy to see Obi Wan though!

Oh BTW Negyedev translates to "Quarter", so this looks to be arriving 2nd quarter 2017. Probably by July - but if I want to be hopeful.... maybe we get it by Star Wars Celebration this year?

If we're getting Maz for TFA and Jyn for Rogue One (which fits in with the OT timeline), I wonder if the Chewie we get (we were told he was coming in set 2 weren't we?) is going to be prequel era this time around.

Oh BTW Negyedev translates to "Quarter", so this looks to be arriving 2nd quarter 2017. Probably by July - but if I want to be hopeful.... maybe we get it by Star Wars Celebration this year?

Honestly, these announcements feel very premature. A lot of people still don't have cards from the first set, and we're already spoiling the second? I hope it doesn't come out until late summer.

If they plan to stick to the 3 sets per year then we should expect this in March, maybe push it back to April because they are doing more Destiny than expected.

Oh BTW Negyedev translates to "Quarter", so this looks to be arriving 2nd quarter 2017. Probably by July - but if I want to be hopeful.... maybe we get it by Star Wars Celebration this year?

Honestly, these announcements feel very premature. A lot of people still don't have cards from the first set, and we're already spoiling the second? I hope it doesn't come out until late summer.

That's how FFG operates. In x-wing for instance we typically have previews for the next wave around the time the current one drops (sometimes before).

They ALSO are notorious for being terrible with their initial release estimates, so if we're lucky we might see this before the end of Q2. Wouldn't surprise me at all to see it Q3, but we might see it around worlds in may.

That's still 4 months away, there's plenty of time for them to get more supply out for awakenings for those of us that still need more.

I played X-Wing for a good while, I know how FFG operates. I've also played Magic for nigh on 20 years, so I'm likewise used to a fast-paced release schedule. I'm alright with a new set every few months, but not this soon; the game still feels like it has yet to get its wheels fully off the ground.

I played X-Wing for a good while, I know how FFG operates. I've also played Magic for nigh on 20 years, so I'm likewise used to a fast-paced release schedule. I'm alright with a new set every few months, but not this soon; the game still feels like it has yet to get its wheels fully off the ground.

If it comes out in may for worlds that's 6 months after the initial release. That's plenty of time, even with the production issues (as long as they've worked it out before then)

Sure, but it's still too soon for spoilers.

Sure, but it's still too soon for spoilers.

In your opinion. We got like 6 cards spoiled. And some of us are happy to see any spoilers they want to give us.

Like I said, there are still plenty of people without cards from the first set...

I'm still waiting for cards from the first set myself. Doesn't mean I can't enjoy spoilers for the next one, or that I won't have them well before the next set drops.

Well, grats. It's going to spoil the enthusiasm for a lot of other people, though.

there the option of not looking at the previews