Corellian Conflict at Pegasus Game in Madison, WI

By Church14, in Star Wars: Armada Organized Play

I can be there by 5 but I'm on your team. Where's Carlos!

I'll be there around 5. Declare you assault

Ok. Imperials won 2. Corellia is now Imp again and the assault on the Saboring Repair Yards failed.

Mid Luke and Mason can play in the next week to set up the 3rd game, Luke is attacking Froz and Mason gets his 3 normal objectives. Because of Rebel bonuses, he can change out 2 of his objectives.

Barring that. I scarred out a 1300 and a 2400 for good and have a repair bill of 126 and got 133 (45+88). I'm at +7 resources total

Can I get the other repair bills so I can hogdepodge a "net" for Luke and Mason if they don't play.

I gave Luke the numbers for this week but wasn't sure if we need to modify for lack of a match(cut resources gained).

Anyone have Masons contact info?

I don't, I'm not sure if he has an account on here or not.

I don't have his info. He might be at I'm Board on Friday for XWMG.

Given that it seems rebels roughly broke even, I'm good telling Mason he is just unchanged into the next round.

Imperials are less clear to me. Armand had a ship repair bill of 58 (should have been 118 but my stinking ACMs didn't go off)) and a squad bill probably around 30-40. He might actually be up 20-30 in resources.

I mean it depends on Mason's schedule. I'm out of town Friday/Saturday (so I won't be making Milwaukee Regionals either), but if Mason can meet early Monday or anytime Sunday we could probably get a game in.

I will have the same issue next week, where I've got a commitment at 8:45, which means I'd need to be out of Pegasus by 8:15, so if we start early again Monday I should be able to swing it.

I can roll in at 5 again

I had to spend all my resources and refit, so maybe take the average there, but I also had to put new ships in. I can be there as early as 4:30 any week.

I will not have a large bill due to some adjustments I am going to make to my list. So I will most likely gain and store all resources that we get this round.

Turns out my thing is next week so I'll for sure be there tomorrow. If we still want to get there early to get planning I'd be down for that. I had no way of contacting Mason to try and get a game in though.

Round 5 results up. My current list:

Faction: Rebel Alliance
Points: 414/500

Commander: Commander Sato

Assault Objective: Most Wanted
Defense Objective: Planetary Ion Cannon
Navigation Objective: Solar Corona

Modified Pelta-class Assault Ship (56 points)
- Ahsoka Tano ( 2 points)
- Assault Concussion Missiles ( 7 points)
- Shields to Maximum! ( 6 points)
= 71 total ship cost

MC80 Star Cruiser (96 points)
- Intel Officer ( 7 points)
- Gunnery Team ( 7 points)
- X17 Turbolasers ( 6 points)
- Leading Shots ( 4 points)
= 120 total ship cost

[ flagship ] GR-75 Medium Transports (18 points)
- Commander Sato ( 32 points)
- Leia Organa ( 3 points)
- Slicer Tools ( 7 points)
= 60 total ship cost

1 * Shara Bey ( 17 points)
1 # Ketsu Onyo ( 22 points)
1 VCX-100 Freighter ( 15 points)
3 YT-1300s ( 39 points)
2 E-Wing Squadrons ( 30 points)
1 * Hera Syndulla ( 28 points)
1 HWK-290 ( 12 points)



106 left after repairs. Unsure about keeping Ketsu.

Correction, we have 74/74/73 Resource this turn. I had to take a 74, you guys can fight over the other one lol

Plus refit or what? Also, how do the Rebels have so many more points than us it seems.....?

Rebels took SaborIng while you were playing Carlos in Destiny. The loss of a base is -15 and Saboring was another 16 so you guys are out 15 Repair from the repair yard and 31 for fleet points to spend. If I'm getting the math right

Rebels gain 21 from the outpost and Saboring. That is our +7 each from our normal 88.

I would short Luke the one resource on your side. He walked away from our game looking pretty solid. I don't know what Armand's fleet looked like

We have 40 refit, on top of the resource, bases lose us 25 plus the areas points as well.

This Monday I believe we have concluded to just do casual play, as we'll be missing a few players.

Just brought this up in the rules forum. Only in tournament play do you play out the round if all of someone's ships die. Is this how we want to keep playing it?

I'm fine with whatever people want to choose. We seem to *mostly* follow tournament rules with a relaxed attitude.

Playing it it the other way would be a night/day difference for your fleet.

1 hour ago, Church14 said:

I'm fine with whatever people want to choose. We seem to *mostly* follow tournament rules with a relaxed attitude.

Playing it it the other way would be a night/day difference for your fleet.

That's why I'm asking haha. I'm fine with a consensus one way or the other, we should just all be on the same page. In that last game I might've done a things a little differently had I realized all of your squads would've gotten to shoot.

Not sure if I'll be able to fit a game in this week unless someone can show up early, need to be on my way out by 8

I can make it by about 5.

Imps are behind and attacking anyway. So I'd probably be defending against whatever

Edited by Church14

Sorry I was unable to make it yesterday! I was very busy with work and unable to make it. How did the games go?

I got a victory at Saberhing but no points to build a base, not sure what the outcome of the other game was though. Either way next week is all out offensive