Corellian Conflict at Pegasus Game in Madison, WI

By Church14, in Star Wars: Armada Organized Play


Mani (Tagge)

Armand (Vader)

Luke (Screed)


Justin (Sato)

Nick (Rieekan)

Mason (Dodonna)

We have a 7th who is interested. If an 8th shows up, we will figure out a 4v4 version.

This is just set up as a thread for fleet postings, questions, or strategies.

Current Status:

Campaign Round 1:

Imperial Show of Force defeated (Justin over Armand)

Rebel Hyperlane Raid Succeeded(Mason over Mani)

Imperials had 45 repair each and 114 for resources.

Rebels had 45 repair and 102/101/101 for resources.

Campaign Round 2

Rebel base assault failed (Armand over Mason)

Imperials Base assault failed (Nick over Luke)

Rebel base assault failed (Mani over Justin)

Imperials have 45 repair and 88/87/87 points

Rebels have 45 repair and 88 points.

Round 3:

Rebels destroyed base at Corellia (Nick over Mani)

Imperial attack on Rebel outpost Nubia failed (Justin over Luke)

Rebel hyperlane raid succeeded (Mason over Armand)

Imperials: 40 repair, 72/72/73 refit each

Rebels: 114/115/115 each. I (Justin) will take the 114


Imperials 2

Rebels 4

Round 4

Forgot to update

Round 5

Imperials Defend Corellia (Luke over Justin)

Rebels Defend Nubia (Nick over Armand)

Rebels Take Saboring (Mason over Mani)

Rebels lead 7-6. Rebels have 50 Repair and 95 Resources each. Imperials have 40 Repair and 74/74/73 each

Round 6

Forgot to update. Rebels were winning 9-8. Imperials declared All Out Assault for round 7

All Out Assault Results:

Imperial Losses (1030/1448):

Mani - 412/478

Armand - 187/478

Luke - 431/493

Rebels Losses (983/1594)

Nick - 308/494

Justin - 347/500

Mason 328/500

With that, the All Out Assault went to the Rebels by 47 points. Congrats to the closest CC campaign I have heard of on these boards

Edited by Church14
Updated status of campaign

AH. You started without me. I see how it is....

I assume I'm the 7th person interested....

I can hop in whenever!

Yeah. Show up and we'll figure something out. Maybe you can hop in if someone misses a day.

I can always build a 4th imperial fleet if we want to try modding it to 4v4

Trying to get the list here for making round 2 squad building easier:

Remaining Rebel Uniques:




Major Derlin





Ten Nunb





Home One






Gallant Haven



Phoenix Home

Tantive IV

Dodonna's Pride

Jaina's Light

Bright Hope

Quantum Storm

Im less certain on remaining Imps.

This is my list after a partial re-fit from last week(may still change because I haven't used resources and haven't seen the 3rd imp fleet).


Faction: Galactic Empire 
Points: 393/400

Resource Income: 114

Unspent Resource points: 0

Refit points: 20

Commander: General Tagge

Assault Objective: Most Wanted

Defense Objective: Planetary Ion Cannon

Navigation Objective: Solar Corona

[scarred]Arquitens-class Light Cruiser (54 points)

- Turbolaser Reroute Circuits ( 7 points)

= 61 total ship cost

[ flagship ] Gozanti-class Cruisers (23 points)

- General Tagge ( 25 points)

- Admiral Chiraneau ( 10 points)

= 58 total ship cost

Arquitens-class Light Cruiser (54 points)

- Turbolaser Reroute Circuits ( 7 points)

= 61 total ship cost

[Vet]^Interdictor-class Combat Refit (93 points)

- G7-X Grav Well Projector ( 2 points)

= 95 total ship cost

1 Lamda-class Shuttle ( 15 points)

1 "Mauler" Mithel ( 15 points)

1 Black Squadron ( 9 points)

1 VT-49 Decimator ( 22 points)

2 TIE Advanced Squadrons ( 24 points)

1 Soontir Fel ( 18 points)

1 Zertik Strom ( 15 points)

Squad Total= 118

This is my list after a partial re-fit from last week(may still change because I haven't used resources and haven't seen the 3rd imp fleet).


Faction: Galactic Empire 
Points: 393/400

Resource Income: 114

Unspent Resource points: 0

Refit points: 20

Commander: General Tagge

Assault Objective: Most Wanted

Defense Objective: Planetary Ion Cannon

Navigation Objective: Solar Corona

[scarred]Arquitens-class Light Cruiser (54 points)

- Turbolaser Reroute Circuits ( 7 points)

= 61 total ship cost

[ flagship ] Gozanti-class Cruisers (23 points)

- General Tagge ( 25 points)

- Admiral Chiraneau ( 10 points)

= 58 total ship cost

Arquitens-class Light Cruiser (54 points)

- Turbolaser Reroute Circuits ( 7 points)

= 61 total ship cost

[Vet]^Interdictor-class Combat Refit (93 points)

- G7-X Grav Well Projector ( 2 points)

= 95 total ship cost

1 Lamda-class Shuttle ( 15 points)

1 "Mauler" Mithel ( 15 points)

1 Black Squadron ( 9 points)

1 VT-49 Decimator ( 22 points)

2 TIE Advanced Squadrons ( 24 points)

1 Soontir Fel ( 18 points)

1 Zertik Strom ( 15 points)

Squad Total= 118

WOOF. And you can still add and adjust to it? I am not ready for that fighter ball....haha

This is Armand (using Vader as my admiral):

My list is currently this without any points invested from the last round:

[Flagship] Imperial II-Class Star Destroyer (120 points)

- Darth Vader (36 points)

- Electronic Countermeasures (7 points)

= 163 total ship cost

Victory I-Class Star Destroyer (73 points)

- Flight Controller (6 points)

= 79 total ship cost

Arquitens-Class Light Cruiser (54 points)

- Turbolaser Reroute Circuits (7 points)

= 61 total ship cost

1 TIE Advanced Squadron (12 points)

3 TIE Fighter Squadron (24 points)

1 TIE Interceptor Squadron (11 points)

1 "Howlrunner" (16 points)

1 Valen Rudor (13 points)

1 Ciena Ree (17 points)

= 93 total squadron cost

***Spoilers!***Anyone have an Arquiten I can use on Monday? Ordered one a month ago but don't think it'll get here before then.

***Spoilers!***Anyone have an Arquiten I can use on Monday? Ordered one a month ago but don't think it'll get here before then.

I've got one.

CC - Rebel 1 (400/500)


Assault Frigate Mk.II B (72 + 7)

+ Electronic Countermeasures (7)

Assault Frigate Mk.II B (72 + 7)

+ Electronic Countermeasures (7)

Modified Pelta-class Assault Ship (56 + 6)

+ Shields to Maximum! (6)

GR-75 Medium Transports (18 + 34)

+ Commander Sato (32)

+ Ahsoka Tano (2)

Hera Syndulla (28)

Shara Bey (17)

2 x E-wing Squadron (15)

VCX-100 Freighter (15)

2 x YT-1300 (13)

HWK-290 (12)

Planetary Ion Cannon

Solar Corona

Station Assault

My first round fleet. I had 101 to spend and 45 for repairs. I repaired everything. I think one AFmk2 and 3 or 4 squads are veteran.

So Nick and Mason have Admo, Yavaris, and Salvation between them, Toryn and Adar, as well as Jaina's and Mon Karren. Interesting.

Oops. I think Toryn and Raymus are still unused.

Not that I'm really anticipating building a fleet. I'm not sure its quite as balanced with 4 each side, but it could be. Mostly just curious what I could build with what's left.

The 2xMC80 with max squads

Mothma MC30 Swarm

Ackbar Gunline

Crack Horde (Mothma Swarm but with Cracken)

3xMC80 Liberty

Round 2 Status of my fleet.

CC - Rebel 1 (round 2) (495/500)
*Assault Frigate Mk.II B (72 + 59)
+ Commander Sato (32)
+ Intel Officer (7)
+ Gunnery Team (7)
+ Electronic Countermeasures (7)
+ XI7 Turbolasers (6)
*Assault Frigate Mk.II B (72 + 27)
+ Intel Officer (7)
+ Gunnery Team (7)
+ Electronic Countermeasures (7)
+ XI7 Turbolasers (6)
Modified Pelta-class Assault Ship (56 + 15)
+ Ahsoka Tano (2)
+ Shields to Maximum! (6)
+ Assault Concussion Missiles (7)
GR-75 Medium Transports (18 + 10)
+ Leia Organa (3)
+ Slicer Tools (7)
#Hera Syndulla (28)
Ketsu Onyo (22)
*Shara Bey (17)
*YT-2400 (16)
**2 x E-wing Squadron (15)
VCX-100 Freighter (15)
**2 x YT-1300 (13)
*HWK-290 (12)
Planetary Ion Cannon
Solar Corona
Station Assault


**= both are scarred


I had 6 points remaining after round 1. Sitting at 45 repair and a total 94 points before refits.

Edited by Church14

Who won the last battle?

Recorded in first post now. Nick over Luke by around 100 MOV. Close one

I see it now. *ahem* Noooooooooo!

18 minutes ago, Jukey said:

I see it now. *ahem* Noooooooooo!

Yavaris not dieing by a single point of damage and getting to double tap my ISD again was probably what hurt the most in the game. It got to live another round and double tap with another 3 B-Wings and roasted my ISD. It would have likely been a lot different if Yavaris dies one round before.

Luckily, I think I can unscar everything in the fleet except one TIE Advanced. IF I want to...

Yeah. Now is the time to debate scarring out some stuff

It was a weird 2nd round because I didn't have to unscar anything and I could use all of my points to build up to 500, whereas I don't think you guys could.

I'm maxed out but feel a little bad about how spammy my list is, might have to work on getting a few things scarred.

Round 3 Status of my fleet.

CC - Rebel 1
*Assault Frigate Mk.II B (72 + 59)
+ Commander Sato (32)
+ Intel Officer (7)
+ Gunnery Team (7)
+ Electronic Countermeasures (7)
+ XI7 Turbolasers (6)
*Modified Pelta-class Assault Ship (56 + 15)
+ Ahsoka Tano (2)
+ Shields to Maximum! (6)
+ Assault Concussion Missiles (7)
GR-75 Medium Transports (18 + 10)
+ Leia Organa (3)
+ Slicer Tools (7)
#Hera Syndulla (28)
Ketsu Onyo (22)
#Shara Bey (17)
*YT-2400 (16)
*2 x E-wing Squadron (15)
VCX-100 Freighter (15)
**2 x YT-1300 (13)
*HWK-290 (12)
Planetary Ion Cannon
Solar Corona
Station Assault


**= both are scarred


Sitting at 45 repair and a total of 175 points before refits. I am going to double check that math as it seems too good. I have one gunnery team that I didn't deploy last game

Luke did some damage. He was a second accuracy away from killing all 3 of my remaining ships with one activation of the interdictor instead of just leaving a 1 health flotilla.
Edited by Church14

It doesn't seem likely I'll be able to make it tonight unless we start playing at like 5, and even then it'd be iffy.