Question regarding Krennic's ability and the 'set aside' die

By Reactor Terminal, in Star Wars: Destiny

Maybe I'm missing something here...It's late and I need some zzzzzs but this card is keeping me up. After the death trooper's die is resolved or is set aside. Now...I thought only set aside dice come into play with their matching card. How does the death trooper's die come back into play? Am I missing a rule? Any help would be great and then I can get some sleep. Thanks.


Same as here. Roll a dice, resolve, set aside.

Why should it come back to play? Its no a die assigned to a character - its just a die that Krennic lets you roll.

I thought pretty quickly that Krennic is desperate to be in a "fast" deck. I looked at his point cost, then I looked over at Jango's point cost, then I frowned.

Curse you, FFG!

"Roll into your pool and set aside" means to take a die from beyond the current board state, use it temporarily, and then take it back to where you took it from. In other words, it's a die taken from the dice bag/box you keep dice that are part of your deck setup, but you haven't played the relevant card for yet.

Edited by Don_Silvarro

OK...Makes sense. I was under the impression that the ONLY dice that could be set aside at the beginning were ones that matched the cards in your deck. Thanks for explaining Don Silvarro!

OK...Makes sense. I was under the impression that the ONLY dice that could be set aside at the beginning were ones that matched the cards in your deck. Thanks for explaining Don Silvarro!

Well, that's technically true, and technically the Death Trooper matches the information on Krennic's card, set number and all ;-)

I just realized that Krennic will be the only card that comes with a die, that to be fully utilized, requires the die from a different card .

Like....if you crack Krennic but not a Death Trooper, you have no way to use Krennic's ability. That's...probably okay in this one instance, maybe,...I just hope it's a trend that they limit pretty severly. It's not great to realize that to play Krennic and a Death Trooper you need to open or trade for 2 Death Troopers.

Set Aside is there in case you are fielding a normal Deathtrooper also.

Because then someone would resolve Krennic's Deathtrooper die, and then either try to place it on the Deathtrooper... and they would argue saying "Why doesn't a resolved Death Trooper die go on a Deathtrooper card?" All kind of arguments would end up happening - this is a way to clarify that it's a standalone die and doesn't get a character card assigned to it.