Black Market

By Dmanduck, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

So me and my friends just got into EotE, and we're almost done with character creation, we just have one problem. How does buying equipment work. We got all the credits, we just don't know how to go about buying the actual things. I reckon that you look at the equipment you want to buy, find its rarity, then add the difficulty dice that chart 5-1, and if you succeed you get it, and if you don't what happens? Does the market just not have it and you don't get the item, or am I vlooking at this all wrong.


I am pretty sure you don´t roll rarity for starting can buy whatever isn´t restricted and
​within the characters budget (which isn´t an awful lot anyways...). I mean, it´s not stuff your character
​bought just now, it´s his belongings and the tools of his trade...having the character roll for that seems weird to me.

You just buy whatever the GM is ok with and you can afford to start.