That's The Spirit - Tim Meads

By thesug1, in Star Wars: Destiny

Well, Wednesday just got interesting.

Before Christmas, FFG mistakenly sent out a Tweet that blew up the Destiny social media community. They mistakenly announced the new Destiny set, stated it would be Rogue One based and added a url which turned out to be empty at the time. But that was enough to light the touch paper of speculation and rumour.

Today, we were graced with the article that resides at the other end of that phantom link. The announcement that The Spirit of Rebellion, a new set of 160 Star Wars Destiny cards, would be released in the second quarter of this very year.

Going Rogue

True to their word, FFG have put out a set that will draw heavily on Rogue One in terms of character and general flavour, much the same as Awakenings drew on The Force Awakens.

But the most spectacular thing about the announcement was that there were spoilers attached to the article and these showed that we weren’t only looking at recent developments in the Star Wars canon, but also stepping back to the original classics.

As a new game, we haven’t been afforded the opportunity to get excited about new cards. The great joy of spoilers in a CCG is seeing the speculation unfold and looking at ways in which new cards will work with the ones we’re more familiar with. And FFG must be well aware of how excited we’d be as they’ve given us a whole bunch of new characters to analyse and fit into teams with the existing ones.

To read the rest of the article follow the link: