Is card number #002 in Spirit of Rebellion actually Dengar?

By ketemycos, in Star Wars: Destiny

He fits alphabetically and is a Villain but I'd think he'd be Yellow, right?

No. Yes.

Maybe it's a red darth vader (probably not, but you never know)

The first two letters of the character name must be De, Df, Dg, Dh or Di from the numbering order set by Awakenings.

I think it will be one of the Deputies from The Force Awakens.


Director Isard has been mentioned as a possibility.

Director Isard has been mentioned as a possibility.

I thought Lukas implied in one of the interviews that we won't be getting Legends characters in the foreseeable future.

The first two letters of the character name must be De, Df, Dg, Dh or Di from the numbering order set by Awakenings.

I think it will be one of the Deputies from The Force Awakens.


I don't think FFG would make the decision to include Star Wars characters that are never named in any movie and that you can't even find an image of on the internet in the second set of their game when they can instead include, well, anyone else.

Also, they sound more like yellow dudes to me.

Edited by Don_Silvarro

They are the law of the outpost on Jakku along with their boss Constable Zuvio (who is a character in X-Wing) - they embody Command, they are not Rogue. But I get your other points and you may be right. I am however having trouble finding another character that fits in this limited alphabetical slot.



It does not even have to be a character.

Personal Shield and Supply Line are cards with dice, but not characters.

It does not even have to be a character.

Personal Shield and Supply Line are cards with dice, but not characters.

I think people are basing these assumptions on the order of the Awakenings card list, which grouped characters into sets of four (example: Awakenings 1,2,3,4 are Phasma, FO Stormtrooper, Veers and Grievous - all red, all characters). By all means, they could shake things up and stick 'Deflector Shields' in there, but it would be breaking the established trend.

One time does not a trend make

Death Watch, y'all.

One time does not a trend make

It does when it comes to lists of cards for sets in TCGs. If you change the format each set, people get confused. It's easier to make it all the same order so that it's easier to organize. Organized lists look nicer and are easier to make as well as track. It's pretty safe to assume that every set will use the same order structure as Awakenings.

Someone on the Destiny reddit mentioned Delian Mors ( ), but I believe she is Legends, and I didn't think FFG was doing Legends stuff.

Not to mention she's super obscure.

Edited by ketemycos

Someone on the Destiny reddit mentioned Delian Mors ( ), but I believe she is Legends, and I didn't think FFG was doing Legends stuff.

Not to mention she's super obscure.

It will be something with Death and I suppose it wont be character.

Edited by Hennessy

One time does not a trend make

To be fair, it's currently 1.5 times - after all, Deathtrooper and Director Krennic are already following the previously established trend.

Jyn being number 44 is also fairly telling - Finn is Awakenings 45 and the first Hero Yellow.

Having said that, since we are expecting Chewie in this set and he would fall before Jyn in the numbering order if the order is correct then we are getting at least two less Red/Grey/Blue (and Villain Yellow) Support and/or Upgrades.


It could be Diplomat. Or a card starting with Diplomat, Diplomatic etc.

But my money is on Dirk Diggler.

I think there were two types of Death Troops in RO, one regular and one that was a kind of special forces. I'm betting thie special forces version will be the one here.

Jyn being number 44 is also fairly telling - Finn is Awakenings 45 and the first Hero Yellow.

Having said that, since we are expecting Chewie in this set and he would fall before Jyn in the numbering order if the order is correct then we are getting at least two less Red/Grey/Blue (and Villain Yellow) Support and/or Upgrades.


One time does not a trend make

It does when it comes to lists of cards for sets in TCGs. If you change the format each set, people get confused. It's easier to make it all the same order so that it's easier to organize. Organized lists look nicer and are easier to make as well as track. It's pretty safe to assume that every set will use the same order structure as Awakenings.

One time does not a trend make

To be fair, it's currently 1.5 times - after all, Deathtrooper and Director Krennic are already following the previously established trend.

I think you are probably correct - was kind of a halfway attempt as a joke. Hard to tell for sure but based on what we know it is likely that a similar format will be followed. Either way - I am very excited about the new set!!

Confirmed to be Death Trooper Commander or Death Trooper Officer. See this image:


Um... How come? That's the exact same artwork and die as the Death Trooper shown in the FFG homepage article.