What kind of glue to repair the plastic figures?

By tabicat, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Three of my monster figures have detached themselves from their bases. Any suggest what kind of glue I should use to reattach them?

Superglue works fine.

rgrove0172 said:

Superglue works fine.


If this glue does not work at all, you may opt to use a short bit of a wire and the equivalant width of a mini-drill, so you can attach the base to the figure with this bit of wire and the glue.

A friend of mine also used heat to get the short wire into the plastic - but that should imho be practiced before on a less quality figure - not first for ones beloved game figures ;)

I got a tube of plastic glue when I bought some paints for my GW minis. They are plastic minis as well, and preferred to super glue. Plastic glue will create a much stronger bond because it causes a chemical reaction, and the pieces you glue together are more like they're soldered together. With superglue, the pieces will be weak at the point where they are glued, and there's a high risk of rebreaking.

Two main types of glue are available gfor miniatures: Polystyrene cement (AKA "Plastic Glue") and Super glue.

Poly work by melting the plastic together. Descent figures are made from vinyl, and don't really melt much if at all with poly, so it requires a lot of time and patience to do right.

Superglue works, but when vinyl breaks, the break tends to not be clean, hence it reduces the effectiveness of super glue a lot. This means you need to either "pin" the model as described above, which may not be suitable depending on the size of the join, or use a putty-bond, which I'll explain now.

I fix figures using two elements: a very high-spec modelers superglue called Warglue, and "green stuff" two-part modelling putty (any two-part will do here). I place a thin layerof green stuff over one side of the join. press the two halfs together, and remove the excess with a stylus. Leave for twenty-four hours to set.

Next, I pull the two half appart, the green-stuff will stay on one side. I use a thin layer of Warglue to stick this back together and leave it a couple of hours. I then repeat the process, which sees the green stuff break from the other side.

This gives an incredibly strong bond, and all you'll see is a very thin green line on the figure. Once it's painted, you won't see it.