Force Lightning

By WonderWAAAGH, in Star Wars: Destiny


I think Sith Holocron just got a little more potent with this latest upgrade, and I wouldn't be surprised if singles prices inflate accordingly. So what do you guys think? Is the ranged damage type or resource cost (to resolve) a barrier, or do we get more opportunities for value out of the holocron with twice the number of 4-cost upgrades? Personally, I think Sith Holocron and It Binds All Things are more viable together in the same deck than they were before, and having two blank faces on the 'cron isn't nearly as much of a liability now. (As an aside, Sith Holocron + Mos Eisley Spaceport is already good tech.)

I don't know which characters or other colors I might run, but I already have an FO Stormtrooper x2 / Nightsister x2 ranged damage deck that Force Lightning could slot into, with some modification. I see Power of the Dark Side as a way to capitalize on blanks when Lightning isn't on board, and if I don't roll red for the 'troopers / DH-17 Blaster Pistols then Datapad becomes an auto-include. How do you guys see yourselves brewing around Force Lightning?

Edited by WonderWAAAGH

Just love the card, i can see many shenanigans being made with it

I think the OP hit the nail on the head. Sith Holocron is an auto-include right now and more of these high resource cost blue cards make it even more viable. Especially, since even though Force Lightning has resource-costing dice sides, you save on resources by running Sith Holocron. I'm betting we'll see more resource-costing dice sides on Villian blues in the future since Sith Holocron is auto-include.