Black One + All In - Rule Clarification

By Stormclad, in Star Wars: Destiny

Hi all,

I was running some practice games last week and I had a Black One special showing plus other dice when I used All In. The question came up on whether the rerolled Black One dice could be activated again that turn. This triggered another question. Can you resolve a Black One special reroll the same turn you triggered its special. Many thanks in advance!

A given die can only be resolved once per action.

A given die can only be resolved once per action.

This doesn't quite address the question being asked. You can resolve a die multiple times per turn, but only once per action. If you're able to take consecutive actions then yes, you can resolve a single die multiple times in the same turn.

Edited by WonderWAAAGH

A given die can only be resolved once per action.

This doesn't quite address the question being asked. You can resolve a die multiple times per turn, but only once per action. If you're able to take consecutive actions then yes, you can resolve a single die multiple times in the same turn.

Sure it does, you're doing 1 action, resolving All In. If you reroll it as a special, it's already been used on this action. The only way to resolve it again on the same turn would be to have additional actions for that turn.

He asked two questions.

hmm when you reroll it is it the same die is the question. And I don't know the answer

I play Black One and I would allow this. I see what you mean. With All In and you resolving Black One first, by finishing resolve you don't remove it from your pool. I play All-In for other reasons.

How I would say no is if a clarification came down saying that when playing All In you need to declare the order upon playing it. As of now I play it as I go. I've used it to get a 1 Resource to pay for a 1 Resource 3 Ranged.

I'm on the side of allowing it, I see the fear of repeat rolls but it not saying " select any number of dice and resolve them in the order of your choice" has me liking the synergy. As it reads it seems like you can just keep pulling dice from your pool until you are done and Black One makes it so the dice never leaves the pool.

Errata needed for sure.

Oh and I retract my earlier. Rules Page 14. * A Player cannot resolve the same die more than once per action.

Someone does try and mention that above but this wording makes it more clear.

That puts the end to it. I haven't seen any other dice needing that rule.

hmm when you reroll it is it the same die is the question. And I don't know the answer

Yes. It is the same die. You're over thinking. It's the same physical die. This isn't a philosophy class. Per the rules, any given die can't be resolved more than once in the same activation. This includes any of the dice that can re-roll instead of being removed as part of their activation such as Black One or Kylo's Lightsaber.

definately overthinking it this isn't a you can't step in the same river twice kind of logic

I feel the need to say that an action and a turn are, essentially, the same thing.

Not the same as round

I feel the need to say that an action and a turn are, essentially, the same thing.

Not the same as round

But they're not. Have you ever played a card with ambush?

Edited by WonderWAAAGH

They are not the same thing because due to cards like Rey or Ambush types you can have more then one action in a turn.

I feel the need to say that an action and a turn are, essentially, the same thing.

Not the same as round

But they're not. Have you ever played a card with ambush?


They aren't the same thing..... at ALL.

You take an action, I take an action, you take an action, I take an Ambush action and then a second action, You claim the battlefield, I take one more action and then pass.

Edited by Crabbok

There is no such things in this game as "turns". You take actions, and sometimes those actions trigger other effects. Sometimes those other effects grant you additional actions.

There is no such things in this game as "turns". You take actions, and sometimes those actions trigger other effects. Sometimes those other effects grant you additional actions.

During the action phase, players alternate taking turns. The

player who controls the battlefield takes the first turn. When

it is a player’s turn, they can perform one action or pass.

Actions are taken by a player whenever it is their turn. On a

player’s turn, they must take an action or pass.

When a player is allowed to take additional actions on their

turn, they must immediately take them or pass. They cannot

save the actions for later. If they are allowed to take an action

outside of their turn, they also must take it immediately.

To resolve this ability, a player must

spend one action on it during their turn and then follow the

instructions on the card.


If a player is allowed to take an action outside of their turn,

they immediately take it.

What is the difference between a turn and a round?

A turn is one player’s action. A round consists of an action

phase and an upkeep phase.

REY (r38)

If you play an upgrade with Ambush on Rey, you may take

two additional actions during your turn.

So you probably want to say that turn=action but it's oversimplification.

EDIT: After re-reading the rules more closely, I realized that a single "resolve dice" action can resolve multiple dice, as long they all share a side. If that's the case, then the only question that matters is, "Can I take multiple separate 'resolve Specials' actions during All In? If the answer is yes, then you can resolve Black One more than once during All In. If the answer is no, well then the answer is no. So just, yeah...ignore the rest of the post below.

In my mind, the question comes down to, "When a card instructs a player to resolve one or more dice, is the card instructing the player to take a 'Resolve Dice' action? Or, are the dice being resolved during the same action the player spent to play the card?" For example:

Force Strike says to flip a die to a side showing melee damage, then resolve it. So either you do this:

1. Player spends action to play Force Strike. Player then flips die to melee side, and immediately resolves it.

2. Action ends.

Actions spent: 1.

OR this

1. Player spends action to play Force Strike, flips die to side showing melee damage.

2. Action Ends.

3. Player immediately takes another action to resolve that die.

4. Action Ends.

Actions spent: 2.

If the first example is true, then you can't resolve Black One's die again during All In. All dice are being resolved during the same action spent to play All In, and we can't resolve the same die more than once during the same action.

If the second example is true, then that means whenever we're told to resolve dice, we're basically being told to take an action to resolve that die or dice. In this case, resolving Black One's die multiple times during All In would be acceptable, since each resolution of Black One's die would be a separate action.

Sooooo...which is it?

Edited by chiller087

It is the first. When you take an action you complete all steps granted by that action and then end your turn.

So for example as your Action you play the card Force Strike. You then turn a die and may resolve it.

Or you play All In. You then resolve as many of your dice one at a time regardless of symbols.

Or you Resolve Melee dice. You then resolve as many of you Melee dice, one at a time.

Or you activate a Character. You exhaust the character and Roll all of its attached dice into your dice pool.

Or you play Unpredictable. You then reroll any one die. You then take another Action.



So, only one resolution of Black One's special during All In.