With Palp at 28...

By IceQube MkII, in Star Wars: Destiny

I bet there's going to be something that you can purchase with your 30pts of characters... maybe to enhance the battlefield?

Or maybe FFG is open to mega 50pt games?

Or maybe he's just worth 28 points and FFG is totally fine with games not coming out to exactly 30? There isn't much practical difference between 28 points and 30 points.

X-Wing has a 100-point limit that regularly doesn't get reached. Granted, there's a gameplay reason for doing so, but still, FFG's not concerned about the limit not being reached.

Yeah but in X-Wing coming in at under 100 points has an advantage of an initiative bid. In Destiny, there is ZERO incentive to use up less than 30 points.

Palpatine's elite cost could have been any number from 24 up to 30 and it wouldn't have changed a thing, as far as we know because we still could only just have him.

I'd imagine Palp's 28 point value is designed for a reason. We just don't know what that reason is yet.

I'd imagine Palp's 28 point value is designed for a reason. We just don't know what that reason is yet.

Future proofing. They don't have to have anything specifically designed or even in mind for the cost, just that they think that's how he should be priced. Then if they do game types with different character point values, he's where he should be (vs maybe 30 points in a 40 or 50 point game is too expensive). If they make a 6 point character with 3 blank sides you don't get an extra character by having palp at 24 even if it wouldn't make a difference right now. Maybe they do make something that'll use a point or two of character points at the start of the game down the line. They may not even have anything planned, but are leaving it open in case they decide to.

or we could have cards in this set that will affect it and we just haven't seen em yet.

it's 28 for future design space and flavor

I bet there's going to be something that you can purchase with your 30pts of characters... maybe to enhance the battlefield?

Or maybe FFG is open to mega 50pt games?

Or maybe he's just worth 28 points and FFG is totally fine with games not coming out to exactly 30? There isn't much practical difference between 28 points and 30 points.

X-Wing has a 100-point limit that regularly doesn't get reached. Granted, there's a gameplay reason for doing so, but still, FFG's not concerned about the limit not being reached.

Yeah but in X-Wing coming in at under 100 points has an advantage of an initiative bid. In Destiny, there is ZERO incentive to use up less than 30 points.

Palpatine's elite cost could have been any number from 24 up to 30 and it wouldn't have changed a thing, as far as we know because we still could only just have him.

I'd imagine Palp's 28 point value is designed for a reason. We just don't know what that reason is yet.

When I put together a team I look for characters that work well together, advance my overall strategy, and get them as close to 30 points as possible. The difference between 28 points and 30 points is insignificant. The incentive to use less than 30 points is in the synergy between the character's dice, abilities, and hit points you are trying to achieve. For example, eRey/2x Padawan comes in at 28 points and isn't hurting at all because of it. The team has good synergy with its dice and respectable hit points at 24.

It is possible that FFG has some master plan to allow teams to spend their unspent team points on special stuff, but it seems just as likely that they point characters based on a formula and restrictions they are trying to adhere to regarding the pairings of certain characters.

I'm hoping this indicates they may introduce the rule that whoever has the lowest point total gets to select first player. I am not hoping for 1-6 point "add-ons" for the game.

I hope they never clarify. This is just way to much fun to watch.

The incentive to use less than 30 points is in the synergy between the character's dice, abilities, and hit points you are trying to achieve. For example, eRey/2x Padawan comes in at 28 points and isn't hurting at all because of it. The team has good synergy with its dice and respectable hit points at 24.

I know what you are saying, but characters having synergy is NOT the same thing as an incentive to spend less than 30 points.

Suppose I have Kylo Ren and 2x Stormtrooper - there is no incentive for me to leave one stormtroopers at home and just go with Kylo and a SINGLE stormtrooper - I have no innate gameplay advantage for having less points than my opponent. And that is what I'm talking about specifically.

The fact that Elite Palpatine costs 28 points, doesn't offer me any type of point-based advantage over a 30 point list. At least not at this time. Maybe they change something about those points in the future.

The incentive to use less than 30 points is in the synergy between the character's dice, abilities, and hit points you are trying to achieve. For example, eRey/2x Padawan comes in at 28 points and isn't hurting at all because of it. The team has good synergy with its dice and respectable hit points at 24.

I know what you are saying, but characters having synergy is NOT the same thing as an incentive to spend less than 30 points.

Suppose I have Kylo Ren and 2x Stormtrooper - there is no incentive for me to leave one stormtroopers at home and just go with Kylo and a SINGLE stormtrooper - I have no innate gameplay advantage for having less points than my opponent. And that is what I'm talking about specifically.

The fact that Elite Palpatine costs 28 points, doesn't offer me any type of point-based advantage over a 30 point list. At least not at this time. Maybe they change something about those points in the future.

I agree with what your saying. My point is that the differences between a 28 point Rey/2x Padawan deck and a 30 point Vader/Raider deck is in the composition of the decks, not the point totals. Costing 28 points is not a disadvantage for Rey and the girls that needs a 2 point advantage they can buy to even things up. The 2 point difference means nothing to the outcome of a game between the two. I doubt anyone would ever say you only won because your team cost 30 and mine only cost 28. If only there was a 2 point "something " I could buy we would be even.

As for shorting yourself a Trooper, that would just be foolish and I never suggested otherwise. The only reasons to do that are giving a newbie a fighting chance and testing your skill level with a disadvantage to see how close you can get to overcoming it.

28 point ePalpatine shouldn't offer you an advantage over a 30 point list and once again the disadvantage you have isn't the 2 point difference, it's only having 1 character and 15 hit points. There needs to be cards that can go in the deck that allows you to compensate for that disadvantage or ePalpatine won't be tournament worthy.

The incentive to use less than 30 points is in the synergy between the character's dice, abilities, and hit points you are trying to achieve. For example, eRey/2x Padawan comes in at 28 points and isn't hurting at all because of it. The team has good synergy with its dice and respectable hit points at 24.

I know what you are saying, but characters having synergy is NOT the same thing as an incentive to spend less than 30 points.

Suppose I have Kylo Ren and 2x Stormtrooper - there is no incentive for me to leave one stormtroopers at home and just go with Kylo and a SINGLE stormtrooper - I have no innate gameplay advantage for having less points than my opponent. And that is what I'm talking about specifically.

The fact that Elite Palpatine costs 28 points, doesn't offer me any type of point-based advantage over a 30 point list. At least not at this time. Maybe they change something about those points in the future.

I agree with what your saying. My point is that the differences between a 28 point Rey/2x Padawan deck and a 30 point Vader/Raider deck is in the composition of the decks, not the point totals. Costing 28 points is not a disadvantage for Rey and the girls that needs a 2 point advantage they can buy to even things up. The 2 point difference means nothing to the outcome of a game between the two.

I KINDA agree with you but There is still a minor difference. Each character is costed at a certain price point for a reason. And while I haven't done a complex card analysis, I will say that if you happened to swap a Padawan for some other character that costed 2 points more, you'd likely have a tougher character. Suppose Death Trooper was available for Rebels (Or lets say rebel equivalent was called Rebel Commando) - you might end up with more health, or a better die, or SOMETHING that justified the points. I don't think I have to convince you that the cost of a character reflects their relative usefulness though...

Because I AGREE with you that the synergy of your characters can trump any lost points you may have. It very much outweighs those built-in values. I probably wouldn't be crazy about a 24 point list though - just because....

The incentive to use less than 30 points is in the synergy between the character's dice, abilities, and hit points you are trying to achieve. For example, eRey/2x Padawan comes in at 28 points and isn't hurting at all because of it. The team has good synergy with its dice and respectable hit points at 24.

I know what you are saying, but characters having synergy is NOT the same thing as an incentive to spend less than 30 points.

Suppose I have Kylo Ren and 2x Stormtrooper - there is no incentive for me to leave one stormtroopers at home and just go with Kylo and a SINGLE stormtrooper - I have no innate gameplay advantage for having less points than my opponent. And that is what I'm talking about specifically.

The fact that Elite Palpatine costs 28 points, doesn't offer me any type of point-based advantage over a 30 point list. At least not at this time. Maybe they change something about those points in the future.

I agree with what your saying. My point is that the differences between a 28 point Rey/2x Padawan deck and a 30 point Vader/Raider deck is in the composition of the decks, not the point totals. Costing 28 points is not a disadvantage for Rey and the girls that needs a 2 point advantage they can buy to even things up. The 2 point difference means nothing to the outcome of a game between the two.

I KINDA agree with you but There is still a minor difference. Each character is costed at a certain price point for a reason. And while I haven't done a complex card analysis, I will say that if you happened to swap a Padawan for some other character that costed 2 points more, you'd likely have a tougher character. Suppose Death Trooper was available for Rebels (Or lets say rebel equivalent was called Rebel Commando) - you might end up with more health, or a better die, or SOMETHING that justified the points. I don't think I have to convince you that the cost of a character reflects their relative usefulness though...

Because I AGREE with you that the synergy of your characters can trump any lost points you may have. It very much outweighs those built-in values. I probably wouldn't be crazy about a 24 point list though - just because....

I agree that the costs are meant to represent the relative value of the characters. Actually I probably wouldn't add a rebel commando because his range dice wouldn't be synergistic with the rest of the deck. Now a Wookie commando with melee dice that was red or yellow, sign me up. However if he was 10 or 11 health I'd definitely consider replacing Rey instead of a Padawan.

I would start getting skittish at my points around 26. I don't think I could go with 24 either. I think there will probably be enough team variation as the system currently stands without having to worry about fillers. Only time will tell what FFG intends in this regard.

For his points total, it's not so much 'they just decided to make him cost 28 points' so much as 'Why wouldn't they have buffed him to make him worth 30 points'? If the intention was 100% there will never be anything else you can spend those two points on, why not just make him that little bit better and put him at 30?

The question is whether there will be something within the set itself (or already planned for a future set) that you can spend those two points on, or whether it's entirely something that might happen in the future. (I'm not quite sure why people have already decided that it's future proofing, and not something we're going to get in the set.)

For his points total, it's not so much 'they just decided to make him cost 28 points' so much as 'Why wouldn't they have buffed him to make him worth 30 points'? If the intention was 100% there will never be anything else you can spend those two points on, why not just make him that little bit better and put him at 30?

The question is whether there will be something within the set itself (or already planned for a future set) that you can spend those two points on, or whether it's entirely something that might happen in the future. (I'm not quite sure why people have already decided that it's future proofing, and not something we're going to get in the set.)

Because buffing him to 30 would also mean that his single die would need to cost 23/24 and they didnĀ“t want that to be the case.

also 28 leaves the possibility open to create more powerful characters/versions at 29 or 30. if he was 30 every other card that will be released in the future has to be balanced against his 30 points.

They could also think about future game modes where you can field more than 30 points. A team based mode where two player have a shared point total of characters and so on.

I think people should not only look at what the game has to offer right now, but what might be possible down the line and how a decision might influence the game design in the the future.