With Palp at 28...

By IceQube MkII, in Star Wars: Destiny

I bet there's going to be something that you can purchase with your 30pts of characters... maybe to enhance the battlefield?

Or maybe FFG is open to mega 50pt games?

Or maybe FFG is open to mega 50pt games?

lol I hope!

I bet there's going to be something that you can purchase with your 30pts of characters... maybe to enhance the battlefield?

Or maybe FFG is open to mega 50pt games?

Or maybe he's just worth 28 points and FFG is totally fine with games not coming out to exactly 30? There isn't much practical difference between 28 points and 30 points.

The points seem to be a means of limiting the ability to play certain characters together or limit the number of dice certain characters (Vader) can start the game with even teamed with others. The difference between spending 28 character points and 30 character points is negligible if not totally irrelevant. I see no need for 2 point fillers.

When selecting your teams look for good synergy between your characters and get as close to 30 points as you are able. Don't sweat it if you come up a 2 or 3 points short.

Edited by Starbane

Or maybe FFG is open to mega 50pt games?

lol I hope!

Also, if you want to play 50 point games, go for it. I would suggest going with a corresponding 50 card deck. It'll just make decks less focused (due to having more different cards) and make games take longer. I doubt FFG will ever put out rules for 'larger' games. They already have rules for organized play and multiplayer. We don't really need larger games.

in my humble opinion he is a direct counter to mill decks. Which I couldn't be happier about

Edited by DarthBlade

but a lot of mill decks contain crime lord and that would be an issue if you just have 1 character :)

I bet there's going to be something that you can purchase with your 30pts of characters... maybe to enhance the battlefield?

Or maybe FFG is open to mega 50pt games?

even just opening up the game to 40 points will be a huge deal, 50 points i think would make the game take far too long to complete with that many character potential on the board, as that's 7 stormtroopers.. yeesh!

in my humble opinion he is a direct counter to mill decks. Which I couldn't be happier about

The best mill decks will have enough reliable damage to kill off a 10+ health character over the course of the game. The best defense is frequently a good offense. It's harder for an aggro deck to beat mill if a character goes down. The mill player is expecting to lose characters, so Palp is really just dealing damage quicker than normal. If the mill player goes up against ePalp, he or she should use dice manipulation to look for extra damage instead of for extra discards. 15 health isn't that much in this game. Without shields, Palp is only slightly harder to kill than two Stormtroopers.

Any ability that can remove enemy dice would almost automatically target Palp's character dice. Guardian can remove 2 out of 6 of his facings to take the listed damage without taking the extra 2. Lots of options for mitigation.

Edited by KrisWall

Unless there's some crazy good supports, I don't see Palp being competitive. Any team you can make with him will only have 2 dice, doesn't seem so good. His dice and ability seem good at first glance but only have 1 of his die or 2 dice total, you're that much more susceptible to dice manipulation...

Edited by netherspirit

Unless there's some crazy good supports, I don't see Palp being competitive. Any team you can make with him will only have 2 dice, doesn't seem so good. His dice and ability seem good at first glance but only have 1 of his die or 2 dice total, you're that much more susceptible to dice manipulation...

incredible strengths should also have incredible weaknesses.

If you are unable to change his dice, Palp will run over opposing characters quickly. He's the ultimate all-in agro!

Edited by Stone37

Unless there's some crazy good supports, I don't see Palp being competitive. Any team you can make with him will only have 2 dice, doesn't seem so good. His dice and ability seem good at first glance but only have 1 of his die or 2 dice total, you're that much more susceptible to dice manipulation...

100% agreed. Anything that removes a die will prevent him from using his ability. Anything that modifies a die to a blank side will prevent him from using his ability. Even keywords and other abilities like Guardian will take damage from one of his two facings while still preventing him from using his ability. Even if he does get to use his ability, the damage can be mitigated if you have decent shield generation since you can just throw the damage onto whatever shields you have.

He seems like a "top tier" casual choice. Easy mode, so to speak. Roll the dice, deal the damage. Choose him with lots of blue ability upgrades and holocrons and maybe a couple of Holdout Blasters and then just roll for damage. I would imagine that he'll come on strong, but will falter against any deck with even semi-reliable dice manipulation. Time will tell.

Palp is ALWAYS going to go first - That's one less-than-obvious advantage about having only 1 character. Opponents will have double, triple, or possibly even quadruple your number of activations, thus you'll be done and ready to claim the first time, almost every time.

Maybe we see new battlefields that incur a point-cost? A keyword called "Priority" on a 2-point Battlefield? Priority means an opponent CAN NOT choose a battlefield that lacks the keyword "PRIORITY". Make the battlefield strong like "Heal 2 damage from a character".

I was thinking the same thing. Something cheap to enhance the play area from the start. Maybe a 2pt Mouse Droid or some other light buff.

Palp is ALWAYS going to go first - That's one less-than-obvious advantage about having only 1 character. Opponents will have double, triple, or possibly even quadruple your number of activations, thus you'll be done and ready to claim the first time, almost every time.

Jango/Veers? You only have 1 actual activation there as well since jango gets to aactivate off of palp. And how quickly palp is ready to clai will depend entirely on how many other actions you have to do (control cards or other events from hand, supports, etc) and how many different dice result you get/resolve. Or whether you reroll.

Can we stop calling him "Palp?" The sound of it is unsettling. Like "moist."

Moist Palp. Moist Palp.

... eugh.

Can we stop calling him "Palp?" The sound of it is unsettling. Like "moist."

Moist Palp. Moist Palp.

... eugh.


I bet there's going to be something that you can purchase with your 30pts of characters... maybe to enhance the battlefield?

Or maybe FFG is open to mega 50pt games?

Or maybe he's just worth 28 points and FFG is totally fine with games not coming out to exactly 30? There isn't much practical difference between 28 points and 30 points.

X-Wing has a 100-point limit that regularly doesn't get reached. Granted, there's a gameplay reason for doing so, but still, FFG's not concerned about the limit not being reached.

I don't think that's the concern. With only 30 points to work with there's much less room for flexibility, so in similar games like Imperial Assault you get skirmish upgrades to fill in those gaps. Here there's nothing, and it could easily stay that way... but if we're assuming that's as far as they're going, then why 28? It's wholly arbitrary and indistinguishable from 30 if they incorporate nothing else, so why not 30 instead? Or 24-27 for that matter?

I don't think that's the concern. With only 30 points to work with there's much less room for flexibility, so in similar games like Imperial Assault you get skirmish upgrades to fill in those gaps. Here there's nothing, and it could easily stay that way... but if we're assuming that's as far as they're going, then why 28? It's wholly arbitrary and indistinguishable from 30 if they incorporate nothing else, so why not 30 instead? Or 24-27 for that matter?

If he's worth 28, he's worth 28. While it doesn't matter now, there could easily be a use for those 2 points in the future. Imagine a 2 point "Mouse Droid" as some people have said OR a Battleground that costs 2 points OR an Upgrade that can start the game in play, but costs 2 character points. Any number of scenarios in the future would warrant a 28 point character today.

Right, that's why my questions were rhetorical.

I think you are overthinking it, guys. He's costed at 28 because the dev team thought that was appropriate in relation to all the other characters. They didn't round it up to 30 not because there are/will be ways to fill in spare points, but because there's no point in doing that and that could possibly hamper the stuff they could conceivably do in the future for no real reason. He's worth 28 so he's pointed at 28. Keep it simple stupid.

Edited by Don_Silvarro

I think you are overthinking it, guys. He's costed at 28 because the dev team thought that was appropriate in relation to all the other characters. They didn't round it up to 30 not because there are/will be ways to fill in spare points, but because there's no point in doing that and that could possibly hamper the stuff they could conceivably do in the future for no real reason. He's worth 28 so he's pointed at 28. Keep it simple stupid.

Or a formula or method that returned a value around 28.

I think they didn't want to leave room for the Palpatine/Ewok deck, once those 3-pointed fuzzy munchkins pop up.