This might have better gone into the 1E forum but... with the license and the community winding down, I guess this would be the time to look back, reminisce and share some thoughts.
Dark Heresy has had a bloody good run . And following game lines did too. Was Dark Heresy one of the (if not THE) roleplaying game of the 00s? (Carrying over to some degree into the 10s.)
Sure this is a biased crowd here but I am not sure any other game has had the impact that DH had. Maybe FATE, although I feel it's only exploding now.
But I feel the game that has had the biggest impact (not system-wise, mind you) on role-playing since D&D 3E/Pathfinder was Dark Heresy. A lot of it harkens back to BI, of course, and WFRP before it but overall FFG has done a pretty good job on these games (excluding RAW Squad Modes in DW, what a rushed job that was). Certainly 40K RPG has been upping the ante when it comes to layout and presentation. It was bleeding, cutting edge throughout its run. The system turned out to be very solid, leaning clearly towards the gamist side of the spectrum. Some issues at higher ranks with talent spam, especially in DH 1E, though. Probably the biggest issue of these games.
A round of applause from me for Ross Watson and everybody at FFG who has been involved in these games.
I also enjoyed how responsive FFG has been to player feedback in the months right after publication. It's good business policy and good for the fans. Could they have done more from a gamer's perspective? Sure. Would that have been economical? Probably not.
But yeah I would like to know your thoughts if DH has been the most impactful RPG of the 00s and beyond. What other game would be a contender? Surely not D&D 4E, except in terms of sales. Pathfinder is a 3E spin-off, so I don't count it (though it's impact is undisputed). Vampire has fallen into obscurity, as has RIFTS, Shadowrun is still doing what it does.
So, yeah, thanks again, FFG! I'm a fan.
Edited by ak-73