Tactical Mastery and Ambush

By Dunlander, in Star Wars: Destiny

Would like to confirm: If you played TM and then a card with the Ambush keyword would that give you 3 actions?

Yes, that is my understanding. You can stack actions with those types of cards, including Reys ability.

No, you'd still only have two actions because you took an action to play the ambush card.

Technically you would be taking 4 actions in a row.

Regular action: play tactical mastery

TM action 1: card with ambush

TM action 2: your choice

Ambush action: your choice

No, you'd still only have two actions because you took an action to play the ambush card.

Ambush goes to the queue and waits until Tactical mastery finish resolving. So the end effect is as WexAwn described above.

To give an example of what WexAwn is saying:

Lets say you have 2 stormtroopers in play and your hand has tactical mastery, a holdout blaster and squad tactics (and 3 resources)

Action 1: play tactical mastery for 1 resource. Granting you actions 2&3.

Action 2: play holdout blaster on a stormtrooper. Granting you action 4.

Action 3: play squad tactics to activate both your stormtroopers. (Lets say you roll 2 damage, 2 damage and 1 damage)

Action 4: Resolve the 5 damage you just rolled. You lucky bugger you.

No, you'd still only have two actions because you took an action to play the ambush card.

Ambush goes to the queue and waits until Tactical mastery finish resolving. So the end effect is as WexAwn described above.

He meant you would still only have 2 actions left because 1 of the 3 was used to play the ambush card.

If you wanna get crazy, start considering character after abilities mixed in the middle.