"Awakening" card clarification

By neil googe, in Star Wars: Destiny

I have done some looking, but nothing I have found answers the question.


When you use the Awakening card ability

Action - Exhaust this support to resolve one of your dice showing a modified side (a side a +) as if it was not modified (did not have a +)

​Does that basically convert that dice in to a dice side of that type, meaning you can also resolve all other dice of the same symbol alongside it? For example, I roll 1 range, 2 range, +1 range, +1 range. I use the card to resolve a +1 range dice, as that is now a 1 range dice, I also resolve the 1 range and 2 range dice and the additional +1 range with it.

Or, given the statement "ONE of your dice" does it mean you get to activate that single dice alone as a special case?

Thanks for any help


Edited by neil googe

Yes, because it says ONE, you only resolve ONE.

The later is correct.

You are taking an action to activate Awakening. You then do what the card says: "Resolve one die".

Your action is not being spend to resolve "ranged damage" or "melee damage".

Awakening is really intended to help out when you only have the modifier die with no non-modifier die available to resolve it with. Let's say you have three dice... 1 Resource, 1 Shield and +3 Melee Damage. You could use Awakening to resolve the +3 Melee Damage as a 3 Melee Damage. Otherwise, it's a useless die without another melee die to modify.

Ok thanks all.

It was my opponent playing the card and I actually aired on the side of it activating all dice, which didn't work out so well for me sadly... but we talked about it afterward and could see it working either way.

But I actually thought later it meant just that single dice as a special effect...

Thanks for the swift replies, is much appreciated.

Ok thanks all.

It was my opponent playing the card and I actually aired on the side of it activating all dice, which didn't work out so well for me sadly... but we talked about it afterward and could see it working either way.

But I actually thought later it meant just that single dice as a special effect...

Thanks for the swift replies, is much appreciated.

To err is human to have aired is divine. :D

Though I do note an auto-correct on a phone when I see it.

I think it was covered but should be pointed out.

In your example there is no need to play awakenings, you can resolve all the ranged damage at once since you have a non (+) die already.

Awakenings comes into play when you only have die with the (+) and wouldn't be able to resolve it otherwise.