Vader/ First Order Stormtrooper Deck

By smitty0017, in Star Wars: Destiny

Anyone have any good ideas about a Vader/ First Order Stormtrooper Deck? Would this be a fair combo or would they pair better with something else?

That was the first eVader deck I put together, I changed it to a Nightsister instead since I love slapping down No Mercy after rolling a 3 melee and swinging for 7, 8 if I've already played Emperor's Favor. I figured Vader is such a big target I wanted to maximize the potential to get his damage sides out as soon as possible so the Nightsister is there pretty much exclusively to let me reroll. Went 3-0 at the store Sunday with one very close match against a Vader Raider. I don't think anyone targeted the sister once. The Trooper pairing was okay, I just didn't see the benefit to having 4-5 red cards in the deck.

My current deck is Vader/Stormie/Stormie and Personal Escort to take some stress away from Vader. It probably runs alittle slower than most Vader agro decks, but does get me the FO TIE among other useful red cards.

Vader is even more dangerous if he has ways of diverting damage. Red has a few cards that can accomplish this, as does blue. I would want to keep the number of red cards to a minimum though, as No Mercy is a game changer/ender and I'd always want to ensure I had a fist full of blue to get the most out of those two copies in my deck.

Thanks for the input guys. I will try some of y'alls unique cards with the mix and see what possibilities I can obtain.