How to build an adventure without railroading the players?

By mrjanitorman, in Game Masters

I like using Johnn Four's 3-line NPC system for my NPCs. No stats, I leave that to the GM's own Holocron so it scales to a table's power level.

Can you expand on this?

What is “Johnn Four's 3-line NPC system” and how exactly do you use it?

I like using Johnn Four's 3-line NPC system for my NPCs. No stats, I leave that to the GM's own Holocron so it scales to a table's power level.

Can you expand on this?

What is “Johnn Four's 3-line NPC system” and how exactly do you use it?

Gladly! I'll start off by saying this is a copyrighted work so I don't want to reveal all Johnn's goodies, but it's available for a pittance out there and supports him directly. He is a prolific and long-time writer on the RPG scene, and I back him on Patreon because I find his contributions so valuable.

That said, his system really does break down NPCs into 3 items: what do they look like, how do they carry themselves, and why they are in the story. Armed with these 3 bullet points, it's pretty easy to churn out NPC after NPC after NPC because I don't care about their stats. I'll make them up as needed or just use this skin over an Adversary Card or some other NPC I already have in my Holocron. On rare occasions I'd drop some dice pools and maybe some talents, but I find that I can use this to populate the world with mundane but unique individuals and dedicate prep time to Nemeses.

That said, his system really does break down NPCs into 3 items: what do they look like, how do they carry themselves, and why they are in the story. Armed with these 3 bullet points, it's pretty easy to churn out NPC after NPC after NPC because I don't care about their stats. I'll make them up as needed or just use this skin over an Adversary Card or some other NPC I already have in my Holocron. On rare occasions I'd drop some dice pools and maybe some talents, but I find that I can use this to populate the world with mundane but unique individuals and dedicate prep time to Nemeses.

I never heard of that guy, but that is waht I basically do. I add a fourth point though: relationship to other NPCs, but you could argue it's already under how they carry themselves. I find it important to show, that some NPCs don't think much of another NPC or absolutely adore a different one. I mostly use the adversary cards and try to find something that fits. For example an alliance diplomat mght also be a nobleman from a feudal planet. They share similar skills, so this works.

Now that is actually in this specific case a valuable 4th point: write down which NPC card you are using for the NPC!

That said, his system really does break down NPCs into 3 items: what do they look like, how do they carry themselves, and why they are in the story. Armed with these 3 bullet points, it's pretty easy to churn out NPC after NPC after NPC because I don't care about their stats. I'll make them up as needed or just use this skin over an Adversary Card or some other NPC I already have in my Holocron. On rare occasions I'd drop some dice pools and maybe some talents, but I find that I can use this to populate the world with mundane but unique individuals and dedicate prep time to Nemeses.

I never heard of that guy, but that is waht I basically do. I add a fourth point though: relationship to other NPCs, but you could argue it's already under how they carry themselves. I find it important to show, that some NPCs don't think much of another NPC or absolutely adore a different one. I mostly use the adversary cards and try to find something that fits. For example an alliance diplomat mght also be a nobleman from a feudal planet. They share similar skills, so this works.

Now that is actually in this specific case a valuable 4th point: write down which NPC card you are using for the NPC!

In this framework that relationship is covered in part by the "why is this NPC even here" but of course everyone's going to find a different way to make it work for them. I have used this system for a one-shot (I don't game nearly often enough these days) and I found it to work really well. I have found that pilfering Bonds from Dungeon World to be a boon for PCs, it might be a useful add-on to this system to cover your excellent suggestion. Finding that sweet spot between too much and not enough is turning out to be challenging, especially since we're all beautiful, unique snowflakes and everyone's going to have a different threshold.

I like using Johnn Four's 3-line NPC system for my NPCs.

Did I miss it, or is there a link somewhere?

I like using Johnn Four's 3-line NPC system for my NPCs.

Did I miss it, or is there a link somewhere?

I neglected to link it:

I knew I'd forgotten something!