Rtl lvl9 "The Prison" + Gas door trap + crushing block 2 hero style

By Moneseki, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

1). My group of good-doers had "The Prison" for their second time, and completely ruled it(bastards!!!). I just came to think of something at the level, which I am not sure I am allowed to do. As OL, I am not allowed to spawn into the cells unless they are already opened(as per FAQ(thanks James)), but can I open the celldoors with my minions(and start wasting the villagers right away?)? I`m not sure if that would make it impossible for the heroes to save the villagers though. Any suggestions to this?

2). A hero close to a door takes a ready action, uses 2 fatigue to open a door, when the Gas door trap is played(hero fails his blackdie roll). His turn ends, but is he allowed to put his order on his character sheet or is it lost?

3). A hero moves into another heroes space, is that space considered an empty space for purpose of throwing in a crushing block(damaging both heroes and moving them to an adjacent space of OLs choosing)? I guess I am dreaming here......

Tomorrow is next gaming session, silver campaign, starting dungeon lvl 3, Evil Genious and another powercard in play(cant recall which one). Wish me luck:

1. monster can open the doors afaik

2. the order is lost, unless placed before opening the door.

3.its not empty