Newbie Question

By darthmarch, in Star Wars: Destiny

I don't have any card yet. but have been doing a lot of video watching and reading up so I am ready to go once I get some cards. Anyways with the starter decks do you get 2 Dice for Kylo and Rey or do you need to purchase a second deck for each character to get that second dice?

Each Starter Deck comes with 2 dice for its face character. However, there is some incentive to buy a second copy of each starter if you're trying to complete the full playset. For example, you would want to buy another Rey starter for the second Finn die, and another Kylo starter for the second Mind Probe card and die.

Also Force Throw in the Rey set.

excellent thanks for the info

I'll post my question in this thread.

If I attach a weapon to a character that has already activated do I wait until the next round to roll the dice into my dice pool?

I'll post my question in this thread.

If I attach a weapon to a character that has already activated do I wait until the next round to roll the dice into my dice pool?

You can't roll the die unless you can some how ready the characterror so you can activate him/her again.