Rancor Painted
Oh my....
Thanks! I think... Before Imperial Assault, I haven't painted miniatures for years but this game got me excited to pick up a brush again. Definitely a work in progress.
Thanks! I think... Before Imperial Assault, I haven't painted miniatures for years but this game got me excited to pick up a brush again. Definitely a work in progress.
You're welcome, what can I say, I was speechless. It's beautiful.
Most impressive. Scariest one I've seen yet. Any tips on shiny gloss finish look? Is it all over or in select places? I'd like to get some drool going as well.
Thanks! I think... Before Imperial Assault, I haven't painted miniatures for years but this game got me excited to pick up a brush again. Definitely a work in progress.
You're welcome, what can I say, I was speechless. It's beautiful.
Thanks for the feedback!! It was a fun one to paint for sure!
Thanks for the feedback! @theChony, I was also thinking of doing some drool strings across his teeth but didn't know if it would end up breaking later - I think it would look really cool though! If you end up doing it and have some good tips, I would love to see a photo of how it looks - I'lll bet it would look awesomel! As far as the gloss, I ended up just applying some gloss in some of his creases, across the indents on the top of his head, and just random spots to give him that kind of sweaty look if that makes sense - didn't want him to have a completely dry look (just how I portrayed it). I also added some blood in some random places as well as in his teeth and claws.
Stuff of nightmares!! Well done.
Great news! If anyone is interested, I'm posting a walkthrough tutorial on how I painted this one. I know there are other awesome tutorial videos out there and great artists and I just wanted to also help contribute and start posting some tutorial videos as well. I ended up creating a new username on here that I'll also make a separate post with but here is my new youtube channel where the video will be posted: