House rule for more survivable space/vehicle combat?

By DaverWattra, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

That already exists. That is RAW. you do not go pop on exceeding HT. Only when the crit says you explode which is around 140, Not sure why people keep repeating this fix. As it is not a fix it is how the rules work now.

I'm mentioning it because it's not the same.

In written rules, the ship is disabled, and reactivated only through some considerable means. Maybe this is a generous interpretation of the OP's concern, but that still qualifies for "first one to hit wins."

What I suggested implies a smoking, sparking, battered craft that can still fly or fight without interruption.

Here is another idea, not too complex and pilots have some influence but crew are just as important.

When only a Ships HT is exceeded it suffers the usual critical, in addition the difficulty of every check to interact with the ship is upgraded once. But the ship continues to fly as normal.

When only a Ships SS is exceeded Maximum speed is halved and all Shields fail, otherwise it acts normally

When both HT and SS are exceeded the ship becomes disabled.

That already exists. That is RAW. you do not go pop on exceeding HT. Only when the crit says you explode which is around 140, Not sure why people keep repeating this fix. As it is not a fix it is how the rules work now.

I'm mentioning it because it's not the same.

In written rules, the ship is disabled, and reactivated only through some considerable means. Maybe this is a generous interpretation of the OP's concern, but that still qualifies for "first one to hit wins."

What I suggested implies a smoking, sparking, battered craft that can still fly or fight without interruption.

I don't see the need. We don't do that when wound threshold is exceeded. Why do we need to do it when HT is? If one is using all the rules as written and the GM is not throwing to much things will be fine. Do some combats with no stakes just so everyone gets the rules down. They really are not that different than the personal scale rules that everyone thinks are fine. I think one of the biggest misconceptions is exceeding HT is boom. It is not. And you have something to do. Doing repair checks.

Someone made an Incidental that has a similar effect to Parry/Reflect; suffer 3 system strain to reduce HT suffered by 2 + ranks in Piloting. At lest I think that was the idea.

But in general any rule that allows you to reduce the amount of HT suffered will have the desired effect

The rule you refer to is Snap Roll, originally posted by DarthGM (GMPhil)

I have done both freighter/transport combat and fighter/squadron combat. We added this rule and it has greatly helped our game.

Also, don't forget minion groups and grouping weapons on larger ships into minion blocks as well. Nothing bogs the game down like waiting for the GM to roll all 20 laser batteries. Just group them into 4 groups of 5 and roll 2y3g or 3y2g for an elite crew.

Just some ideas