Custom Healer Class: Druid

By BJZSN, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Finally back again, and it's been too long. I'm finally getting around to cleaning up some of the old classes and the first one is the Druid. Mechanically I found over time that the Druid skills are fiddly and generally uninteresting, though I do love the idea of healing over time. I've made a core change to the starting skill Regeneration, wherein you can stack healing tokens on a hero that have a passive healing effect, *BUT* now the tokens stay on the hero and monsters may spend a surge on an attack to remove them. Also I've made other various changes to the other skills to keep in line with Regenerations change, plus trying to make them more interesting as well. As usual, leave some comments with your input and I hope you like it! (Pardon the wording on the skills, I'll work on it)

P.S. You will need your own supply of Nature tokens. Nature tokens are not limited by the supply but each hero can only have up to 2 Nature tokens so you shouldn't need too many.

Here's the link:

Edited by BJZSN