The Chance Cube's card price watch updated for week ending in 01/08

By JediGeekGirl, in Star Wars: Destiny

Good Evening. We have an early update to our card price watch. We have made a couple changes including the dropping and inclusion of different source. Researching for this guide is always interesting seeing things go up and down. I highly recommend checking this week's guide out and like always please give The Chance Cube a like and follow us.

-Don't Leave Your Destiny To Chance

Interesting read as always thanks for the work. See a couple cards still pretty solidly over-valued and a couple jumps that make perfect sense with emerging meta. Still don't get Captain Phasma, not important character, ability no one uses yet still in the $20 range. Boggles my mind, Jabba I at least understand his ability is solid and he's the fat bastard of the star wars universe. The mirror ball captain though, I have no words.