Shadow Walker questions

By k7e9, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark


A few questions regarding the Shadow Walker class I could not find the answer for:

Faithful friend: can that card be used to place the shadow soul on the other side of a door or is line of sight required?

If it can be placed at the other side of a door, can it be placed on the other side of a locked door as well?

Endless Void: Is the Shadow Soul considered discarded when you use cards such as faithful friend or soul bound which allow you to place the shadow soul at a new place. It is removed from the map and then placed again directly. Or is the Shadow Soul discarded if a card specifically says "discard the shadow soul" such as Dark servant or Shadow step?

Thanks in advance.

1) Faithful friend does not require LOS, but you still cannot use it to place the shadow soul on the far side of a closed door because you cannot count range through a door. In other words, spaces separated by a closed door aren't "adjacent" or "3 spaces away", because you can't count spaces through the door.

2) The shadow soul gets removed from the map and placed, but it is not considered discarded unless an ability says "discard the shadow soul."

Thanks, that's what I thought. But felt it was best to check to be sure.

Thanks, that's what I thought. But felt it was best to check to be sure.

But take note that you can place the shadow soul beyond a portcullis or elevation since you can count range through them!