Action widows and Boromir

By DarthGood, in Rules questions & answers

Tactics Boromir question:

You can use Boromir’s ability to raise your threat and ready Boromir. But’s it’s an action as stated on the card. Which means it had to be done during an “Action” window correct? So during the combat phase of the round, there is no action window between enemies making their attack, and heroes & ally’s making theirs. The only action windows I see is before enemies attack, and after the players make their attacks. That being said, if Boromir is used to defend, can he “ready” himself to attack? When there is no action window between the two? I may have been playing him wrong if he can t ready if there is no action window. But it would make sense.

You can take actions at the end of each of the four steps of each enemy's attack (p. 18 of the rulebook). You also have an action window throughout the whole of the Player Attacks section (it's all green on p. 31).