Everything tau (npc's, weapons, vehicles)

By amuller93, in Only War House Rules

I am starting a campaign were the pc are playing a guerrila groupe figting the blue smurfs currently sitting around on thiere plants eating all of the marsbars. And to my horror i relised how little was writen about the tau. All i found was about the kroot and a few pages in deathwatch which were questi0onabel at best (tau commander has 90 fecking wounds on top of armour 9 and TB 10)

So i feel its high time we started writing all of the tau stuff down here

a few pages in deathwatch which were questi0onabel at best (tau commander has 90 fecking wounds on top of armour 9 and TB 10)

It's XV8 Crisis wounds, TB and armor, unarmored (well, un-battlesuited) Tau is on p.368 :-)

a few pages in deathwatch which were questi0onabel at best (tau commander has 90 fecking wounds on top of armour 9 and TB 10)

It's XV8 Crisis wounds, TB and armor, unarmored (well, un-battlesuited) Tau is on p.368 :-)

90 wounds is as much as a squigoth.

Tau weapons stats

Pluse rifle

range 200M

Damage 1d10+6 pen 4

Rof S/2/- Reliable

clip 30 Wt. 2.5kg

This gives the pluse rifle abit more damage as bolt gun without the tearing and can only fire 2 shot insted of 3. it also has dubble the range of a lasrifle

Pluse carbine

Range 90m

Rof S/3/-

Damage 1d10+6 pen 4

clip 20 Wt. 1kg


Under slung photom grenade launcher

Range 60m clip 1 S/-/-

A shorter ranged version of the pulse rifles

Burst cannon

Range 110m


Damage 1d10+6 pen 4

clip 120 Wt. 30kg


A weapon that needs to mounted on battlesuit

Rail rifle

Range 350m

Rof S/-/-

Damage 2d10+4 pen 14

Clip 8 Wt.20


This is baiscly an anti matrial rifle used to take out heavy targets such as space marines and ligth vechiles such as the chimera. It comes with a intergrated sigth

Tau plamsa rifle

Range 110m

Rof S/2/-


Pen 6

clip 60 Wt. 25kg

More or less the same as the imperial one only that this one dose not overheat and have more range on the other hand it dose not have maximal setting on it.

Seeker missle

Range 300m or 600m if launched with help from a markerlight

Rof s/-/-

3d10+8 pen 8

Concussive (3) Proven (2)

clip 1 Wt 64kg

A mounted weapon used as fire suppourt for the fire warriors. can be launched without line of sight if the target has been marked by a markerlight

Rail gun

Rof S/-/-

Range 1100m

3d10+15 pen 24 (solid shot) OR 2d10+10 pen 6 (Blast)

Clip 10

Accurate (solid shot) or Blast 10 concussive 3 (blast)

This is the reason imperial tank crews look under the bed at nigth a super deadly anti tank gun that can also be used to blow up guardsmen

Smart missle system

Rof S/-/3

Range 150m

Damage 2d10 Pen 0

Blast 2

Clip 12

A nasty pice of equipment that can used ethier as sort of rapid fire grenade launchers or a accurate missle launcher that can fired to explode to blow up over cover. What this means if they get 2 or more succues when it fires singel shot it can ignore cover.

Marker lights

Range 200m

Using a challenging Ballistic test (0+) marks a target that makes it visible to all targets wearing a tau helmet meaning that if the target was sneaking and was hit by a marker ligth all who were wearing tau helmet would see theam. It also gives an option for all who are wearing a tau helmet the option to get a free half aim action.

Tau armor

Battle suits

amour 9

Unatrual TB 2, unatrual SB 2, Jetpack, Hardwired Omi scope, immun to all toxins, gases and eviromtal hazards. Has its own airsupply that can last for 8 hours. Cant swim.

Size 6

Stealth suit

Amour 7

Unnatural TB1 Unnatural SB1 Unntrual AgB2 Jetpack, Hardwired Preysense sight, Stealth field genrator (chameleoline cloak exept it always gets -30 to hit) jet pack, immun to all toxins, gases and eviromtal hazards. Has its own airsupply that can last for 8 hours.

Tau fire warrior amour.

Amour 6


Tau pathfinder amour

armour 3


Tau Vehicles

Piranha Skimmer

Type: Skimmer

Tactical Speed: 30m

Cruising Speed: 145 kph

Manoeuvrability: +20

Structural Integrity: 18

Size: 6

Armour: Front 16, Side 12, Rear 7 Vehicle

Traits: Enhanced Motive System, Open-Topped, Skimmer.

Crew: 1 Pilot and 1 Gunners

Carry Capacity: 2 Drones

Weapons: 1 Burst cannon OR 1 Fusionblaster


Type: Skimmer

Tactical Speed: 18m

Cruising Speed: 65 kph

Manoeuvrability: +5

Structural Integrity: 30

Size: 7

Armour: Front 20, Side 15, Rear 10 Vehicle

Traits: Enhanced Motive System, Environmentally sealed, Skimmer, Enclosed.

Crew : 1 Pilot and 1 gunner

Carry Capacity: 2 Drones on the outside dronehangers and 12 Troops inside

Weapons: 1 Burst cannon

Hammerhead tank

Type: Skimmer

Tactical Speed: 12m

Cruising Speed: 45 kph

Manoeuvrability: 0

Structural Integrity: 40

Size: 7

Armour: Front 33, Side 27, Rear 16

Vehicle Traits: Environmentally sealed, Skimmer, Enclosed.

Crew : 1 Pilot, 1 commander and 2 gunners

Carry Capacity: 2 Drones

Weapons: 1 Railgun and 1 burstcannon

Edited by amuller93

The 40k Roleplay Armoury has bare stats, with source books marked for each.

personal equipment: Rogue Trader - Into the Storm, Tau Character Guide. Deathwatch - Mark of the Xenos

vehicles: Deathwatch - Rites of Battle.