Double dice card

By saxcloud, in Star Wars: Destiny

Wanna start the game, reading on Internet because local store and distributor doesn't have it at the moment. I read some hero have double dice, if I ever found them in boosters, I also found two dice ?

One dice per booster and if you get a second version of a character then you can pay the higher cost listed on the card to play with the second dice. It's a great game. Save some money and buy it when it gets back in Stock. I wouldn't pay the inflated cost that some third-party places are asking. We should see more by early next month, but don't hold your breath.

Yes I downloaded the rules, and studied them . I found it is a nice break from standard card game. I really want to get it and give it a try. In my neighbor there are others game played form stars wars. I wanna start by having the two sets and some starter to give 30 card to each deck . What about that, I thought about 6-8 boosters should suffice to complete two deck ( yes, not a perfect tuned deck but just a valid 30 card deck.

Well reading from the rules I intended the two dice should have accompanied the card, and then for those epic hero, you could choose to pay the higher cost value for two dice or th cheap one for the one dice.

As someone who also want's to try this out. Would a normal d6 be usable in place of an absent second die. Assuming ofcourse it's a friendly match.

As someone who also want's to try this out. Would a normal d6 be usable in place of an absent second die. Assuming ofcourse it's a friendly match.

It makes the game much harder to play, because both players need to be able to react to the value of that die before it is resolved. And 1 - 6 is not intuitive to what that die represents. Also, your opponent would need a card in front of him to be able to translate the result, as BOTH players need to be able to react to it. Trying to peer across the table to read your card might not be fair. If it was only one die, it might be managable, but multiple die would bring the game screeching to a halt.

As someone who also want's to try this out. Would a normal d6 be usable in place of an absent second die. Assuming ofcourse it's a friendly match.

It makes the game much harder to play, because both players need to be able to react to the value of that die before it is resolved. And 1 - 6 is not intuitive to what that die represents. Also, your opponent would need a card in front of him to be able to translate the result, as BOTH players need to be able to react to it. Trying to peer across the table to read your card might not be fair. If it was only one die, it might be managable, but multiple die would bring the game screeching to a halt.

I don't think in a friendly game it is nearly the problem you describe. Top value on card is 1, bottom is 6. Yes it slows things slightly but in a friendly you probably aren't playing for speed anyway.

Just make sure your opponent is OK with it, as it is obscuring your dice pool and making their play more difficult.