Road to Legend - Campaign Questions

By MiB1975, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Hi all,

we played the second session of our RtL campaign. A few questions turned up, which avid "googling" couldn't solve. Maybe you can help:

1. How does the Cautious skill work in (wilderness) encounters? I played as to reduce the income from 1 to 0 threat per turn

2. If a dungeon level has multiple leaders (such as Reflections), do the heroes gain the 100 gold and 2 Conquest reward for each of them, or only when the final on is killed? As the rules state you get this reward for killing a leader, and the card says these are multilple leaders, I ruled that each individually generates a reward.

3. Undying and rewards - If a master sorcerer or skeleton makes use of the undying ability, does it still generate the 50 Gold reward? I ruled no, because the rules state a monster has to stay down to trigger any "killed" results.

4. Goint to town via town glyphs from a dungeon: Since the whole dungeon takes place in a single game week, is the hero pary limited to the marketplace and alchemist values (e.g. 2 Potions for the entire dungeon, because Tamalir has an Alchemist rating of 2)? I ruled yes, because I couldn't find anything contradictory in the rules,

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

1) Do you have the German version of RtL? There is a rules error, stating that the OL only receives 1 threat per round, yet it is 4 per round. Cautious reduces this to three per round.

2-4) You ruled correctly.

3) The 50 gold are received when the monster finally stays dead, of course.

Thanks for the input.

I am just talking about Encounters in RtL. The english rules state that the OL get 1 Threat/turn. I am not refering to dungeon levels here.

It is still one threat per hero per turn, so 4 threat a turn. This is very clear in the English rules.

Many of your questions were answered in the FAQ. Have you read it yet? If not, definitely do so, it includes errata and several useful clarifications.