Played a game against a mini tie swarmish list that included Soontier Fel a bomber one Royal Guard TIE int and Youngster.
I flew my ZEARC list wich is LT Blount with lone wolf and adv Homing Miss, Corran Horn with R2D2, fire control system and PTL and lastly Shara Bey with R7 astro Vectored thrust, Tail gunner and all Overhaul.
Started out strong on turn two getting into range all ships heading straight for the center. He looked to be setting up to take out Bey as the perceived biggest threat but a lucky roll for me put one damage on Fel and he was finished off that same turn when Blount hit him with his automatic face up damage card that happened to be a critical damage taking him out. that left the bomber coming in on my left and his interceptor and youngster coming in on the right. I k turned with Corran putting me right on the tail of his Royal Guard which fell to a double tap from Corran. the bomber made the mistake of k turning to get behind the Bey and paid when he took a full hit from the rear arc and from the Blount who had circled back into the fray. Leaving Youngster at the mercy of My 3 ships. He managed to strip off all shields from corran and Bey but fell when I got a good roll with Corran.