Am I the only one who's planning to play Runewars the board game as a campaign game for runewars the miniatures game? I'm thinking it would be a lot of fun to have the units on the Board count as x points in RW minis
Runewars for Runewars
People have been doing that with BattleLore for a while now. It sounds fun, although I've never tried it. The thing is, if you have different-sized armies battling in Runewars, how does that translate to unit-mustering in RuneWars? It just seems that army size becomes a bigger factor when building your empire in Runewars because you know it'll make it easier to win in RuneWars.
Also, the defender is limited to 8 figures in an area, but an attacker can bring way more. How will you have enough RuneWars figures for the attacker?
SIDENOTE: If everyone would stick to the covention that FFG has implemented — namely, that the miniatures game has a capital "W" and the board game does not — these online conversations would be a lot clearer.
Well, the most recent article for the miniatures game omits the capitalized "W." That makes me rather disappointed. They were doing so well with consistency, I thought.
Edited by BudgernautSure i do, if the elves ever come true.... at that time a 2nd edit of the boardgame has a good chance. but if the miniature game is a flop like battle lore, then runewars is gone and with it terrinoth...(having runebound 3 ed as a flop)
Given the buzz around this one, I don't think it will flop