Lukas please respond so all the neigh sayers can be thwarted!!

By Reklawyad, in Star Wars: Destiny

The ship has sailed on making this LCG, not gonna happen. It's a CCG for better or worse that is what it was born and what it will stay.

I realise that! My last comment was highlighting that distribution needs to be on par with a CCG rather than that of a LCG. And, as a passing comment, nothing is written in stone for a company like FFG.

if they don't restock until october I be thinking twice about getting into this game,

This is a ridiculous thread, the game is not even two months old. It has barely started.

This is a ridiculous thread, the game is not even two months old. It has barely started.

First I'd like to apologize for upsetting anyone. In a few of the Facebook groups, some people have mentioned that their FLGS had said they wouldn't be able to order anymore booster boxes as FFG won't reprint the boosters.

I just would like to squelch all these rumors, I can post that it's not true, but until you get it from FFG people tend to believe that the sky is falling.

Spelling and grammer errors were my fault, I was typing it early in the morning and didn't realize I had spelled the title incorrect. I'm human after all.

This is the most successful IP (Star Wars) of all time being owned and run by the most successful entertainment company of all time (Disney) with a game being operated by one of the most successful board game companies in the business today (FFG) and it's only problem thus far is meeting demand because it consistently sells out at every production wave. And we really think there's going to be a problem with the game lasting...?

So some comments to address on the nature of collectable games:

The first is getting Set 1 after set2 or 3 come out. We should be casting our gaze at the rest of the field for how other CCGs handle this problem. and pretty universally, it looks something like this:

-You have the most recent 3-5 sets actively being produced/sold.

-Your sets on sale is usually are defined by what is tournament legal.

- You eventually stop producing or selling older sets. Magic: The Gathering goes back about 2 years, depending on what part of the year it is.

- If you look at Yu-Gi-Oh, last I looked, they had a model that allowed all cards ever printed into their tournament, but had a healthy list of cards that were limited/restricted/ or forbidden. Ussually this list is for old cards that break the game when included in recent sets, or cards that are simply too strong in general now (Pot of Greed)

The trick of design here, is to ensure that you have a healthy game taken from the entire library. When old cards rotate out, sometimes you flat reprint them (like Magic does with it's Core Sets), design alternatives (You have two cards with different names, but the same basic cost and ability, re-themed for the current set), or bring them back in the future.

Looking into my own personal Crystal ball, here is what I expect to see.

Jan '18

On our about the release day for the first set to come out in 2018, Awakenings will rotate out. The reason is the they are going to have a TON of characters in the pool to choose from, and to keep design space free, and the game healthy, they will definitely want to keep the number in circulation to under 100. (four sets in the pool at 24 chars per is 96...pushing it)

Generally: You are going to see a redesign or reprint of popular characters every year or so. The Luke from Awakenings is from Return of the Jedi, powerful in the force and rising to contest Darth Vader. I expect 2 or 3 sets down the road to get a red flavored Luke to represent A New Hope Luke, where he's still green, and more lucky than good. Also in this line of thinking, expect to see Revenge of the Sith Darth Vader, Anikin Skywalker, a Luke from Ep 8, a Leah from 7/8, and so on.

Just my 2 cents but the severe underestimate of demand for the game will hamper the games growth considerably.

Games with regular releases typically become harder and harder to get into, X-wing is starting to struggle with this now with the some 40+ tournament playable releases on the shelves and new players daunted by the thought of the cost to get into the game. Players that can't get in now are far less likely to get in later on when there is a larger card pool to have to collect.

For Destiny the significant lack of supply to a majority of markets has seriously hampered the ability for players to get into the game, there will no doubt already be players that have given up on getting into the game due to lack of any stock to purchase.

I commend FFG for making a great new game but the pace at which they can reprint this product currently is woefully inadequate.

Its looking like the second set will be out before all current players can get their hands on sufficient stock of Awakenings. I'm not sure I will be so keen to buy the next set if the current shortages will be repeated again (due to the lengthy production and shipping times We can safely assume that set 2 is in production, possibly even finished printing with the same small print run)

I hope I'm wrong as I feel like this game has the capacity to be a contender with the top tier CCG's but if FFG can't get the distribution right the frustration factor for many might be enough to sell up and leave the game.

this wave is even more limited 1 box and 2 starters is the limit my card shop is able to get.

this wave is even more limited 1 box and 2 starters is the limit my card shop is able to get.

Wow... we had a store here that had the same thing.. how much did they order originally do you know?

this wave is even more limited 1 box and 2 starters is the limit my card shop is able to get.

Does your store only have accounts with one distributor?

This is a ridiculous thread, the game is not even two months old. It has barely started.

First I'd like to apologize for upsetting anyone. In a few of the Facebook groups, some people have mentioned that their FLGS had said they wouldn't be able to order anymore booster boxes as FFG won't reprint the boosters.

I just would like to squelch all these rumors, I can post that it's not true, but until you get it from FFG people tend to believe that the sky is falling.

Spelling and grammer errors were my fault, I was typing it early in the morning and didn't realize I had spelled the title incorrect. I'm human after all.

Sorry for my strong reaction. I would be extremely surprised that FFG would decide to terminate the game two month after inital release. I do believe that some people can easily get boosters or boxes while other cannot as their FLGS cannot get them. I do not know what is the plan for printing the boosters but I think we can safely bet that if they do not print the current boosters again, it will be because they would print a new wave based on rogue one for example.