Lukas please respond so all the neigh sayers can be thwarted!!

By Reklawyad, in Star Wars: Destiny


First thank you for creating a great game. I'm in BIG TIME. I will start this off saying I've been very fortune to have had stores support this game locally as well as get singles to complete the entire playset of cards. I've also got many friends and new aquantances who are enjoying the game.

The problem with the game so far has been lack of product, hell thats to be expected with something that releases that is this big. There are rumors that have been circling around that LGS are being told not to expect any more refills on product and that you won't be making anymore.

I can't find any truth to this so I'm asking for the community at large for you to just say something either in these forums, or make an announcement, that yes indeed Destiny will be here for the long haul and it's just demand has REALLY exceeded supply.

Thank you,


*Apologies to the title.. totally slipped my grammar radar when posting the title*

Edited by Reklawyad

They already have 2 more sets in production, and likely a 3rd (4th overall) starting now. This game should be around for at least a year.

I'm not sure a designer is the guy to ask about distribution...

Neigh-sayers are horses. Nay-sayers is what you're looking for here.

They already have 2 more sets in production, and likely a 3rd (4th overall) starting now. This game should be around for at least a year.

This is one of the better assessments I've read on the subject.

Right now Star Wars is arguably the hottest IP out there and Disney is pushing it with ridiculous aggression - even more than Lucas did during the PT years. You have Star Wars collectors and gamers getting into this game for the collectibility factor. That's pushing a lot of the sales. I know with X-Wing there are a number of Star Wars collectors who just buy "the cool little ship models" and don't even play the game. Star Wars collectors buy and invest in many types of things, even stuff they don't use or play. Just ask any MIB/MOC Star Wars figure collector how much mileage they get out of toys in boxes.

Given the complexity of the game and how much R&D FFG has out into it, even if they decided to cancel it all today, they would still push out some remaining expansions to help cover costs. As mentioned, Spirit of Rebellion is probably being printed right now.

Neigh-sayers are horses. Nay-sayers is what you're looking for here.

Curses.. grammar is hard! :D

I'm not sure a designer is the guy to ask about distribution...

Why not? He's probably at the front of the line wanting his design to take shape no?

They already have 2 more sets in production, and likely a 3rd (4th overall) starting now. This game should be around for at least a year.

I'm not buying the fact that others are claiming that they are done "producing" the current set of boosters and starters. I would just hate for potential players to get the idea that the game is no longer going to be produced while it's still in it's infancy. I'd like to spread the good word about our lord and savior Darth Vader to all those who are willing to listen!

They already have 2 more sets in production, and likely a 3rd (4th overall) starting now. This game should be around for at least a year.

The bigger issue isn't whether they're going to keep making new sets, its whether Awakenings is still going to be available to buy. If they stop producing it and we don't get anymore awakenings after the jan 22nd shipments like some people are saying, that makes cards from the first set incredibly hard to come by unless the next shipment is truly massive. Tons of people have still barely been able to purchase anything. I know my FLGS has only received 5 boxes total so far. I've gotten 1 box and 13 loose packs from various other boxes/amazon, and need a ton of cards still to build decks I want. And there's been so little stock there's basically no trading options locally.

The starter boxes are supposed to be around for a year at least. They come with a card list for Awakenings. I would assume they would keep Awakenings in production for as long as the starter boxes are out.

Why not? He's probably at the front of the line wanting his design to take shape no?

Sure, along with everyone else who works on the game but doesn't deal with the logistics of producing it.

Why not? He's probably at the front of the line wanting his design to take shape no?

Sure, along with everyone else who works on the game but doesn't deal with the logistics of producing it.

Okay if I could change the title I would say "Anyone at FFG who wants to squelch the NAY sayers please respond!!!"

They already have 2 more sets in production, and likely a 3rd (4th overall) starting now. This game should be around for at least a year.

The bigger issue isn't whether they're going to keep making new sets, its whether Awakenings is still going to be available to buy. If they stop producing it and we don't get anymore awakenings after the jan 22nd shipments like some people are saying, that makes cards from the first set incredibly hard to come by unless the next shipment is truly massive. Tons of people have still barely been able to purchase anything. I know my FLGS has only received 5 boxes total so far. I've gotten 1 box and 13 loose packs from various other boxes/amazon, and need a ton of cards still to build decks I want. And there's been so little stock there's basically no trading options locally.

I think that definitely explains a scenario that FFG should be working aggressively to avoid. If late Jan is the last shipment of Awakenings and we know that it takes approximately four months to get product produced and out, that means that until Spirit of Rebellion drops in late April, we will effectively have no product for three months. Unless FFG loaded another print run sometime in November.

They already have 2 more sets in production, and likely a 3rd (4th overall) starting now. This game should be around for at least a year.

The bigger issue isn't whether they're going to keep making new sets, its whether Awakenings is still going to be available to buy. If they stop producing it and we don't get anymore awakenings after the jan 22nd shipments like some people are saying, that makes cards from the first set incredibly hard to come by unless the next shipment is truly massive. Tons of people have still barely been able to purchase anything. I know my FLGS has only received 5 boxes total so far. I've gotten 1 box and 13 loose packs from various other boxes/amazon, and need a ton of cards still to build decks I want. And there's been so little stock there's basically no trading options locally.

I think that definitely explains a scenario that FFG should be working aggressively to avoid. If late Jan is the last shipment of Awakenings and we know that it takes approximately four months to get product produced and out, that means that until Spirit of Rebellion drops in late April, we will effectively have no product for three months. Unless FFG loaded another print run sometime in November.

Yeah, unless they started another print run before this one started shipping, it's going to be a wasteland out there after this next wave and until the next set is available, whenever that may be.

Wants information about unsubstantiated rumors but can't even get what the rumors are correct.

The best strategy is keep the set with starters flowing all year till the next starter set drops and do print runs of the xpacs in the given year. MTG has done this for years and works good for them. Anyone can dispute this isn't magic but wizards are THE undisputed experts in ccg gaming. Emulating their model is not only prudent but intelligent. The further any company strays from that norm is going to suffer.

No one has hinted or spoken to this as far as I know.

So here is my 100% made up best guess. They will continue to produce small quantities of each set for as long as there is some demand for those sets or the set has its first year anniversary. Otherwise they'll run into a problem with new players not being able to compete for lack of cards that are out of print.

This is probably the worse thread I have seen for this game.

This is not the last shipment. This is not the end of the game. Stop causing unnecessary panic.

The whole point of Destiny is for FFG to branch into the CCG market. They want this game in all the big retailers, Target, Walmart... From past experience with other games, they are going to keep fulfilling smaller vendors before they hit up the big boys. So until we see Target and Walmart flooded with Awakenings, we know this set will live on.

That is it.

Given the big name characters like Vader, Knight Luke, Smuggler Han, etc., I can't see this expansion being short-lived.

No one has hinted or spoken to this as far as I know.

So here is my 100% made up best guess. They will continue to produce small quantities of each set for as long as there is some demand for those sets or the set has its first year anniversary. Otherwise they'll run into a problem with new players not being able to compete for lack of cards that are out of print.

Even if a new player can not find anymore sealed product of an out of print set they can always find the cards from it on the secondary market. There is never going to be the problem you describe of new players being unable to compete due to an inability to aquire out of print cards, because of the secondary market.

Edited by ScottieATF

Their supply is far short of demand. If they don't reprint, they risk alienating many potential customers and current ones. FFG's property will suffer. Remember, FFG is in this to make money for themselves and Disney not collectors and box hoarders.

So yes, there will be a reprint. Corporations are very predictable. If they can make money doing something, then they do it. They never made any promises that that there will be a limited print run or how many would be made total. They have every reason to do another printing and no reasons not to.

The problem is those dice are hard for them to produce. I guess they can't find enough kids to stick the stickers on over at the sweat shop. So they have nearly a years manufacture time lead on the product. This means the next two sets are complete and they are designing the forth set, rather unusual. Now the rumor is they only have the four shipments manufactured. The last shipment is about to go out. After that, the reprinting may take many months. If their dice problem is still as big of a problem, then you won't see the reprint for another 6 months at least. Maybe between the second and third set however with Chinese new year coming production wouldn't start until end of February. So there is a good chance you won't see a reprint until October. So in the short term, yes, this is set is out of print. In the long term, expect another printing.

No one has hinted or spoken to this as far as I know.

So here is my 100% made up best guess. They will continue to produce small quantities of each set for as long as there is some demand for those sets or the set has its first year anniversary. Otherwise they'll run into a problem with new players not being able to compete for lack of cards that are out of print.

Just because a set goes out of print doesn't mean it disappears. I can find sealed booster boxes of MtG sets that have been out of print for over a year. Additionally I can find specific cards from out of print sets sold as singles.

Even if a new player can not find anymore sealed product of an out of print set they can always find the cards from it on the secondary market. There is never going to be the problem you describe of new players being unable to compete due to an inability to aquire out of print cards, because of the secondary market.

True enough. I was on ebay just the other day looking at something more current and found boxed of World of Warcraft TCG stuff.

No one has hinted or spoken to this as far as I know.

So here is my 100% made up best guess. They will continue to produce small quantities of each set for as long as there is some demand for those sets or the set has its first year anniversary. Otherwise they'll run into a problem with new players not being able to compete for lack of cards that are out of print.

Just because a set goes out of print doesn't mean it disappears. I can find sealed booster boxes of MtG sets that have been out of print for over a year. Additionally I can find specific cards from out of print sets sold as singles.

Even if a new player can not find anymore sealed product of an out of print set they can always find the cards from it on the secondary market. There is never going to be the problem you describe of new players being unable to compete due to an inability to aquire out of print cards, because of the secondary market.

True enough. I was on ebay just the other day looking at something more current and found boxed of World of Warcraft TCG stuff.

I wish FFG would give us a heads-up over at the upcoming-page. Would also be great to once again have the estimated time of arrival even if it wouldn't always be correct. It's making me uneasy not to know how to plan my newly started journey into this over-the-top great ccg.

FFG need to produce product in volume along the same lines as MtG. Here in the UK, Destiny is next to impossible to collect. Most FLGS's are out of stock with no real idea when more is arriving. Those that have had/do have it won't sell booster boxes because they don't want to disadvantage other players; they often only have/had a single box, maybe two if lucky. Come on FFG sort it out or make it a LCG!