Reprint of old packs

By player1443430, in Living Card Games


Is there any chance, that after all old packs that contain only 40 cards will be sold - reprint will be in new 60 card format?

Especially interest me battle packs from warhammer.

As far as I remember FFG will not reprint Battle Packs for their LCGs. At least that is what they said, when they switched A Game of Thrones and Call of Chthulu from CCG to LCG.

And currently there is only the two 40 card ones so not really that hard to catch up.

Toqtamish said:

And currently there is only the two 40 card ones so not really that hard to catch up.

and they will only be making 4 more in the current 40 card format...

Aykenger said:

As far as I remember FFG will not reprint Battle Packs for their LCGs. At least that is what they said, when they switched A Game of Thrones and Call of Chthulu from CCG to LCG.

If you look under upcoming on reprints you will find two coc asylum packs that are marked as a reprint ?

I understand that there is hard to unpack prepared packs and put there 20 more cards... but why so many (4) need to be sold like that? Strange...

the problem isn't that they don't want to open up the packs the problem is the design and printer contracts have already been done with the current model in mind. They can't start a change in the middle of a cycle/contract.

Exactly and you don't need multiples of every card anyway. So you can still choose to buy one of these packs and then one of all the others in the new format.

Seems to be all too common that people think they need playsets of every single card. Must be a mindset left over from CCG games, gotta catch em all.

I think they do reprint older packs. That's part of the point of it being non-collectible. I think that the 40 cards packs are not likely to be reprinted in the 60 card format, but maybe once all of the stock of a block of cards, like the Dreamlands cycle in Cthulhu, are all used up then possibly they could send them back to the printer in the new format.

As has been mentioned above, you really don't NEED 3 packs of each expansion. I only play the Cthulhu game and I've got one copy of each and only a couple of packs that I have multiple copies of because there's a certain deck I'm trying to put together. I feel comfortable I could make a competitive deck without multiple copies, though.

I know that I don't need every card in 3 copies. I'm just wondering because if reprint is possible so I don't need to buy this packs - I can wait for new ones.

I will never play W:I in tournament so I don't really need any more cards to it :P

If the cards ever reach the point they need to reprinted they would be reprinted as originally manufacturered.

Toqtamish said:

If the cards ever reach the point they need to reprinted they would be reprinted as originally manufacturered.

Are you the person in charge of such at FFG?

Question for the masses:

I am the leader/organizer of a slowly growing FFG play-group at our local store. I've converted six new players to AGoT, CoC, and Warhammer, but they have all had the same complaint. It is really easy to find a copy of the core games, but old Chapter/Asylum/Battle packs are hard to come by (not so much Warhammer, but it'll be true eventually). In addition, because of the LCG style, there are not many 'extra' copies of rares around to trade for. So many of my players are not very excited about getting into the games since they'll be hard pressed to put together a collection.

So here's my question: How many people would be interested in some sort of prestige format release of older sets? I'm thinking like a single release of 1 or more copies of each of the cards in a Cycle. (For example: What if you could get one additional set of each of the cards release in Clash of Arms in a single box?) If any of you are familiar with VS System, I was thinking something like their deck-box collections, but instead of tins, it could be 240 cards and a stylish card-box? I for one have wished that some of the older stuff would be reprinted in some manner (since I own zero sets of the Spawn of Madness asylum pack), and I know several of my players would really like to be able to 'catch up' on their collections in a short amount of time.

Just wondering what you think?

I have found all of the old BP, CP, and AP's on ebay for good prices. If you got a few people together on an order would help offset the cost of shipping.

Coolstuffinc and Thoughthammer still have most if not all of the packs for AGOT in stock. Plus eBay and other gaming sites it should still be fairly easy, for a while, to round up a copy of the older packs.

Yeah, I'm kinda curious about this, since my main distributor just restocked on all the old chapter packs, so I was able to pick up all of the ones from the first cycle for a player who was in Korea when they first came out. They were for Game of Thrones, but I know they also got the fist cycle of Cthulhu in as well, so I;m not sure why your local store can't get them. Not sure what distributor they use, so that might be an issue (it seems that some distributors only sell them in batches of 6, which is a "display," but I know many will sell them to stores 1 at a pop.