Deck Tech: Payroll

By bubblepopmei, in Star Wars: Destiny

Hiya spacers!

I'm going to do a youtube deck tech on this sometime this weekend I think, but wanted to share the deck I've been playing lately. I plan on bringing this to a Jan 22nd tournament at X Planet games in the Greater Toronto Area. Any feedback is appreciated.

Why no DH-17, Falcon, Launch Bay, Black One, or Play the Odds?

I don't have the Falcon, my brother is using both available Black One and Launch Bay in his Finn/Poe deck, and I just traded away my only DH-17.

Play the Odds I hadn't considered. I think I will try it out, but I'm not sure what to take out.

I don't have the Falcon, my brother is using both available Black One and Launch Bay in his Finn/Poe deck, and I just traded away my only DH-17.

Play the Odds I hadn't considered. I think I will try it out, but I'm not sure what to take out.

Also, why no Electroshock, Flank, or Disarm? I'd probly take out Infiltrate, Comlink, Outpost.

I don't have the Falcon, my brother is using both available Black One and Launch Bay in his Finn/Poe deck, and I just traded away my only DH-17.

Play the Odds I hadn't considered. I think I will try it out, but I'm not sure what to take out.

Also, why no Electroshock, Flank, or Disarm? I'd probly take out Infiltrate, Comlink, Outpost.

Comlink I had in to get me the focus to turn the sides the way I want, especially focusing into Ackbar's double focus. Outpost offers a focus side and also since I run rebel war room, it allows me to trigger my Hired Gun/DL-44/Holdout paid damage without losing resources.

Infiltrate could come out, I was just using it as control but find I discard it most of the time.

I try to keep the cost of my cards low because I know I will be needing several resources a round to land damage. Electroshock is alright because I have 2 yellow characters to spot, and Flank is okay because I run generally more characters than others do, but I'm not sure if any of them are stronger than the cards that I already have in. I could replace Infiltrate and a single copy of Comlink to get a pair of Electroshock in I suppose. or Play the Odds.


Electroshock is almost an auto include in any yellow deck.

Flank is an auto include in any deck with three or more characters.

Hard dice removal is king as mitigation goes.

Electroshock is almost an auto include in any yellow deck.

Flank is an auto include in any deck with three or more characters.

Hard dice removal is king as mitigation goes.

I added electroshock. It turns out I didn't have any, even after 4 boxes. I traded into two.

I have flank but there are lot of 3 character builds in my local meta. I'll test that in future.


There's still no dislike button. Oh well.

Thanks for the warm welcome back, troll.

So ladylike! I guess there's just no accounting for poor taste.

2X Black Market, Outpost, Comlink, and Datapad seems like a serious case of the durdles. Put some cards in there that do something.

The damage from the Hired Gun has a resource cost, so the money making cards are important.

I would be inclined to swap Launch Bay for Play the Odds, as it is cheaper and gives you some dice manipulation for the Hired Guns.

One thing I am only guessing on is the cards you want in your opening hand. Personally I would be looking for a Datapad or a Play the Odds for the early game resources, but I have been knows to be wrong.

I think Electroshock and Flank would greatly help your consistency. Even against even character match-ups, if you have Flank in your hand, it's fairly easy to play around your opponent's eagerness to get characters out there. It's a Trap! is a great trick that can win you games at the end of a round if Ackbar doesn't come up with focus. Any interest in Logistics to help fix your income? Disarm works surprisingly well with Hired Guns because it gives you a way to use their damage dice without having to pay for resources -- you aren't resolving the die, you're removing it. Play the Odds feels pretty relevant here, too. This deck is also yearning for a DH-17, but I understand lack of stock.

I'm not super hip on the Black Market or the Comlinks -- they're expensive and can often be dead cards considering how often you want to resolve resources in order to do your damage. I think you can also probably ditch Squad Tactics and focus more on using Flank. You're rarely going to win the race for the battlefield against 2-character teams, so try to mitigate them instead. Draw Attention and Field Medic are both preventative cards. With Hunker Down, that's 20% of your deck that's trying to keep Ackbar alive instead of kill your opponent. I think you can drop Draw Attention in favor of a more aggressive pick or more direct mitigation.

Edited by Lasci