January Shipping Dates.

By smitty0017, in Star Wars: Destiny

When are the dates for the January shipments? Also does anyone know if any major store will be carrying the game anytime soon. The nearest card dealer to me is 200 miles away.

I keep hearing Jan 18, not sure if that's true or not?

You can order online from CoolStuffInc or Miniature Market? I don't think these are ending up in any major retailer like Target etc.

Don't do miniature market. They "didn't get enough stock" to fulfill a lot of their pre-orders in the Dec 22 shipment, but mysteriously were ablet o restock a ton of singles that same day...

Don't do miniature market. They "didn't get enough stock" to fulfill a lot of their pre-orders in the Dec 22 shipment, but mysteriously were ablet o restock a ton of singles that same day...

This. Right here.

I was sure I had gotten my preorder in on time for the "2nd wave" of December 22nd and kept waiting and waiting for that shipping e-mail, well here we are: 1st week into the new year and ya, nothing.

I have never really been miffed at MM, but like VanderLedion said, to see their single market jump in qualities after the 22nd, just . . . oh man! Makes me angry!

Don't do miniature market. They "didn't get enough stock" to fulfill a lot of their pre-orders in the Dec 22 shipment, but mysteriously were ablet o restock a ton of singles that same day...

This. Right here.

I was sure I had gotten my preorder in on time for the "2nd wave" of December 22nd and kept waiting and waiting for that shipping e-mail, well here we are: 1st week into the new year and ya, nothing.

I have never really been miffed at MM, but like VanderLedion said, to see their single market jump in qualities after the 22nd, just . . . oh man! Makes me angry!

I hope that don`t happen again because I just pre-ordered two boxes from there for the January shipment.

You guys do realize that sites like MM get a separate stock for singles vs normal sales, right? They aren't shorting paying customers so they can carry singles, it's effectively a part of their order from FFG that's already allotted for opening and selling as singles.

You guys do realize that sites like MM get a separate stock for singles vs normal sales, right? They aren't shorting paying customers so they can carry singles, it's effectively a part of their order from FFG that's already allotted for opening and selling as singles.

I was going to say this exact same thing. I am pretty sure when they put in their order they put in how many booster boxes they wanted for themselves to open for singles. If they were going to cut peoples pre-orders to just sell singles, I am pretty sure that nobody would have got any booster boxes because they could have broken them all down into singles and made out like bandits. Maybe and this is just a small maybe you got your pre-order in just a day or two late for the cut-off.

You guys do realize that sites like MM get a separate stock for singles vs normal sales, right? They aren't shorting paying customers so they can carry singles, it's effectively a part of their order from FFG that's already allotted for opening and selling as singles.

I was going to say this exact same thing. I am pretty sure when they put in their order they put in how many booster boxes they wanted for themselves to open for singles. If they were going to cut peoples pre-orders to just sell singles, I am pretty sure that nobody would have got any booster boxes because they could have broken them all down into singles and made out like bandits. Maybe and this is just a small maybe you got your pre-order in just a day or two late for the cut-off.

I didn't personally have a pre-order, but I've seen several people who said when they ordered it said mid-late december shipping.

You guys do realize that sites like MM get a separate stock for singles vs normal sales, right? They aren't shorting paying customers so they can carry singles, it's effectively a part of their order from FFG that's already allotted for opening and selling as singles.

Of course they are ordering product earmarked for opening as singles. They are also ordering product for sale as sealed product. They clearly did not get as much as they wanted to get. Instead of filling already placed and paid for orders they opted to restock their singles.

Had they not pre-sold boxes, no one would have a valid care that they cracked a bunch open to sell as singles. But they did pre-sell boxes. They had the ability to reallocate boxes ordered for singles in order to fill orders they had taken for sealed product, they choose not to.

They prioritized future singles sales over already paid for pre-orders. People wouldn't have ordered with MM if they knew that MM would opt in that direction.