Buying Isolated Talents

By MamoruK, in Game Masters

So this is a point of contention in my group so i was hoping there could be some clarification. If a talent in a skill tree only has a line coming up from the bottom do you have to have the talent below it in order to buy it? or can you buy it and continue the tree from there? Like the saber throw talent in the Armorer tree for example.

I call those talents "bubbles" since they bubble up, and yes, you will need to approach them through an appropriate path which, as you mention, means from beneath.

Yup, if a talent is attached you must purchase the one linked to it first: down, left, right or up

So, yes while the Gambler tree may have a 10 point dedication, you need to crawl all of the way through the first or second column, then across, then up to the dedication.

It could be worse, the Trader (or EntrepenureI always get them mixed up) needs to go all of the way down column 1 then to get any talent in column 2, 3, or 4 needs to purchase the previous talents at that point level.

So, yes while the Gambler tree may have a 10 point dedication, you need to crawl all of the way through the first or second column, then across, then up to the dedication.

It could be worse, the Trader (or EntrepenureI always get them mixed up) needs to go all of the way down column 1 then to get any talent in column 2, 3, or 4 needs to purchase the previous talents at that point level.

It's probably Trader, the latter has two entry routes.

I actually think your thinking of Slicer; that has to go practically all the way down the tree to get most 10 cost talents.

no, i was not thinking of the slicer, though it may jave simmilar issues. The teader (the one in the CRB) has all but 1 od the 5 point talents as oprhans, so they cannot lead to other talents. then column 1 is connected straight down to the 25 point talent and then each 10 point talent is only connected to the other 10 poiters and so on

no, i was not thinking of the slicer, though it may jave simmilar issues. The teader (the one in the CRB) has all but 1 od the 5 point talents as oprhans, so they cannot lead to other talents. then column 1 is connected straight down to the 25 point talent and then each 10 point talent is only connected to the other 10 poiters and so on

Definitely Trader. My first character was in this game was a Trader. Rows 4 and 5 actually connect twice, at the left and at the right though. The spec is very much a railroad. Scoundrel has an interesting set of connections as well. The center two columns rows 2-4 can only be accessed by getting to row 5 then back tracking.

The center two columns rows 2-4 can only be accessed by getting to row 5 then back tracking.

That is fairly common, with either needing to go down row column 1 or 5 to get to the middle rows of C3/C4 or vice versa. Like the Mystic/ Advisor, the C2 and C3 talents dead end at R2 so you need to dig down C1 or C4 to get to C2R3&4 and C3R3&4