Rule Question Regarding Objectives

By Darth Radcle, in Star Wars: Rebellion

I love the game. We've played a few times and I wanted to make sure I was clear on one point. Are the Rebels allowed to play 2 Objective Cards to gain Reputation in the same turn (i.e., one during Combat and one during the Refresh). The rule states "Only one objective can be placed during each combat and during each Refresh Phase). So in the case of a game played, during the Combat phase Luke defeated Vader and earned 2 reputation ('Return of the Jedi' card). Then at the start of the Refresh stage (same Turn), the Rebels played the 'Inspire Sympathy" and earned 2 more reputation (since I destroyed 2 systems). The Reputation was on 11 before this turn (which was 7) and at the Start of the Refresh stage, the 4 reputation points earned landed the Rebels on the Time Marker. From the rules we both concluded the game was over, Rebels win. Is that correct?

That is correct. Also, I believe that you can play one objective card per combat. If you happen to have two combats, you might be able to play two combat objective cards, one during each.

That is correct. Also, I believe that you can play one objective card per combat. If you happen to have two combats, you might be able to play two combat objective cards, one during each.

You're right, this is in the RRG page 10:

"Only one objective can be played during each combat and during each Refresh Phase."

So in a turn you can play one objective per combat (if there are more than one combat in a round the you can play more than one objetive if you fulfill the conditions in different combats, and then one objective during the Refresh Phase.