Crime Lord: is it rolling?

By K Genesis, in Star Wars: Destiny

With reports coming from many places, I've yet to see some distinguishable cards making solid appearances. One of them is the infamous Crime Lord.

Aside from loose mentions, there's very little material about it out there. So, I wanted to see if anyone has experiences to share about decks running it. Is it worth the hassle at all? Just a cute trick? Is Jabba all but glued to it? What's the veredict?

I have yet to actually play with mine (I pulled 2 so I want to soon) but I've seen a few games played with it and it can be pretty brutal. I don't think it's so brutal that it's broken, it is pretty expensive to get out and you need to get it on the special, however it's nasty especially if the opponent doesn't see it coming.

With reports coming from many places, I've yet to see some distinguishable cards making solid appearances. One of them is the infamous Crime Lord.

Aside from loose mentions, there's very little material about it out there. So, I wanted to see if anyone has experiences to share about decks running it. Is it worth the hassle at all? Just a cute trick? Is Jabba all but glued to it? What's the veredict?

It's a tough combo to pull off. You need 4 resources to play it (possibly less if you're replacing an upgrade) PLUS you need a living yellow character to play it on PLUS you need to roll the special (1/3 chance) PLUS you need 5 resources to use the special PLUS you need your opponent to be nice and not manipulate the die PLUS you need your opponent to be nice and not disrupt your resources. It's too inconsistent to be a reliable win condition for a deck. It also has the potential to bite you in the rear if your opponent has Cunning and is resource heavy.

With reports coming from many places, I've yet to see some distinguishable cards making solid appearances. One of them is the infamous Crime Lord.

Aside from loose mentions, there's very little material about it out there. So, I wanted to see if anyone has experiences to share about decks running it. Is it worth the hassle at all? Just a cute trick? Is Jabba all but glued to it? What's the veredict?

It's a tough combo to pull off. You need 4 resources to play it (possibly less if you're replacing an upgrade) PLUS you need a living yellow character to play it on PLUS you need to roll the special (1/3 chance) PLUS you need 5 resources to use the special PLUS you need your opponent to be nice and not manipulate the die PLUS you need your opponent to be nice and not disrupt your resources. It's too inconsistent to be a reliable win condition for a deck. It also has the potential to bite you in the rear if your opponent has Cunning and is resource heavy.

TBF, there are shortcuts. Infamous into Ace in the Hole, claiming Throne Room gets you there with no chance to react. The tough part is having 5 resources, which you can work for. Putting the deck together seems more of a challenge (one I'm interested in attempting, I might say) but, like I said, no one's talking about it.

My first idea would be eJabba/eJango @Throne Room. Jango equipped with Crime Lord seems like a good way to avoid punishment once it's all set and Jabba's effect can actually work Crime Lord if I can't claim.

Edited by K Genesis

There are definitely ways of making it work, but they mostly consist of either unlikely to occur multi-card combos OR lots of resources and an accommodating opponent.

I think it CAN work, but it's probably not going to be good until more cards are printed for the deck. 1-2 sets out probably.

eJabba and Vader using Crime Lord just won a 50+ person tournament at the FFG event center the other day. Crime Lord does work, and it works well. However you shouldn't build your deck such that it can only win via Crime Lord. The eJabba and Vader deck is primarily a mill deck, with Crime Lord as a secondary win condition. Often times you only need to Crime Lord one of their characters to ensure they can't kill you before they run out of cards. Here is the link to the deck...

Alternately you can do pretty much the same thing with eJabba and eDooku. And as mentioned above eJabba and eJango can work as well. Jango can almost always kill something before he dies, and by then you can get Crime Lord up and running to finish them off after Jango dies.

Edited by Bowser

With reports coming from many places, I've yet to see some distinguishable cards making solid appearances. One of them is the infamous Crime Lord.

Aside from loose mentions, there's very little material about it out there. So, I wanted to see if anyone has experiences to share about decks running it. Is it worth the hassle at all? Just a cute trick? Is Jabba all but glued to it? What's the veredict?

It's a tough combo to pull off. You need 4 resources to play it (possibly less if you're replacing an upgrade) PLUS you need a living yellow character to play it on PLUS you need to roll the special (1/3 chance) PLUS you need 5 resources to use the special PLUS you need your opponent to be nice and not manipulate the die PLUS you need your opponent to be nice and not disrupt your resources. It's too inconsistent to be a reliable win condition for a deck. It also has the potential to bite you in the rear if your opponent has Cunning and is resource heavy.

Bolded for effect.

I've had it out early and enough resources stocked up to use it when the special hits. It's always the first die they look at manipulating (usually getting removed). Still, it's a threat and keeps them from manipulating other die so it does serve some purpose even if it never goes off.

I've had it out early and enough resources stocked up to use it when the special hits. It's always the first die they look at manipulating (usually getting removed). Still, it's a threat and keeps them from manipulating other die so it does serve some purpose even if it never goes off.


Crime Lord is a pretty solid die even without the special, but as much as anything it draws a TON of manipulation hate. Even if it never goes off, it will force your opponent to deal with it and let a lot of your other stuff go through that otherwise wouldn't.

Just wait for my crime lord tusken.

With reports coming from many places, I've yet to see some distinguishable cards making solid appearances. One of them is the infamous Crime Lord.

Aside from loose mentions, there's very little material about it out there. So, I wanted to see if anyone has experiences to share about decks running it. Is it worth the hassle at all? Just a cute trick? Is Jabba all but glued to it? What's the veredict?

It's a tough combo to pull off. You need 4 resources to play it (possibly less if you're replacing an upgrade) PLUS you need a living yellow character to play it on PLUS you need to roll the special (1/3 chance) PLUS you need 5 resources to use the special PLUS you need your opponent to be nice and not manipulate the die PLUS you need your opponent to be nice and not disrupt your resources. It's too inconsistent to be a reliable win condition for a deck. It also has the potential to bite you in the rear if your opponent has Cunning and is resource heavy.

TBF, there are shortcuts. Infamous into Ace in the Hole, claiming Throne Room gets you there with no chance to react. The tough part is having 5 resources, which you can work for. Putting the deck together seems more of a challenge (one I'm interested in attempting, I might say) but, like I said, no one's talking about it.

My first idea would be eJabba/eJango @Throne Room. Jango equipped with Crime Lord seems like a good way to avoid punishment once it's all set and Jabba's effect can actually work Crime Lord if I can't claim.

I would skip the Throne room because that might backfire if your opponent is special ability heavy. why not imperial armory? save the ace in the hole/crime lord combo for after you roll some focus.

Edited by nismojoe

I've had it out early and enough resources stocked up to use it when the special hits. It's always the first die they look at manipulating (usually getting removed). Still, it's a threat and keeps them from manipulating other die so it does serve some purpose even if it never goes off.


Crime Lord is a pretty solid die even without the special, but as much as anything it draws a TON of manipulation hate. Even if it never goes off, it will force your opponent to deal with it and let a lot of your other stuff go through that otherwise wouldn't.

This is a backwards way to look at it, 4x resources worth of upgrades is always going to draw dice manipulation. What was your opportunity cost of playing that 4 resource upgrade instead of doing something else with that?

I've had it out early and enough resources stocked up to use it when the special hits. It's always the first die they look at manipulating (usually getting removed). Still, it's a threat and keeps them from manipulating other die so it does serve some purpose even if it never goes off.


Crime Lord is a pretty solid die even without the special, but as much as anything it draws a TON of manipulation hate. Even if it never goes off, it will force your opponent to deal with it and let a lot of your other stuff go through that otherwise wouldn't.

This is a backwards way to look at it, 4x resources worth of upgrades is always going to draw dice manipulation. What was your opportunity cost of playing that 4 resource upgrade instead of doing something else with that?

I don't think this is correct strategically, and it's certainly not correct psychologically. Nobody's going to freak out and panic over Diplomatic Immunity's 3 or 4 shields, and while One With the Force has a great die there aren't any "must-stop" sides in there.

Crime Lord's special is something that MUST be dealt with. If it comes up while you've got the resources, your opponent must absolutely use their manipulation to kill it. Even if it's just on the table, your opponent is forced to proactively counterplay it - they'll spend disrupt sides that they might have rerolled for damage, and they'll hold manipulation cards to use against it in case it comes up. Nobody's going to save a removal card in case OWTF rolls its 3 Focus side.

It's certainly arguable whether these are the RIGHT plays. I happen to think they are - most people focus on a single character for damage until it's eliminated, which means that Crime Lord will target and remove an otherwise-healthy character if it goes off. That will end games. But the actual tactical correctness is somewhat irrelevant, because psychologically this is how most people will play against it.

With reports coming from many places, I've yet to see some distinguishable cards making solid appearances. One of them is the infamous Crime Lord.

Aside from loose mentions, there's very little material about it out there. So, I wanted to see if anyone has experiences to share about decks running it. Is it worth the hassle at all? Just a cute trick? Is Jabba all but glued to it? What's the veredict?

It's a tough combo to pull off. You need 4 resources to play it (possibly less if you're replacing an upgrade) PLUS you need a living yellow character to play it on PLUS you need to roll the special (1/3 chance) PLUS you need 5 resources to use the special PLUS you need your opponent to be nice and not manipulate the die PLUS you need your opponent to be nice and not disrupt your resources. It's too inconsistent to be a reliable win condition for a deck. It also has the potential to bite you in the rear if your opponent has Cunning and is resource heavy.

TBF, there are shortcuts. Infamous into Ace in the Hole, claiming Throne Room gets you there with no chance to react. The tough part is having 5 resources, which you can work for. Putting the deck together seems more of a challenge (one I'm interested in attempting, I might say) but, like I said, no one's talking about it.

My first idea would be eJabba/eJango @Throne Room. Jango equipped with Crime Lord seems like a good way to avoid punishment once it's all set and Jabba's effect can actually work Crime Lord if I can't claim.

I would skip the Throne room because that might backfire if your opponent is special ability heavy. why not imperial armory? save the ace in the hole/crime lord combo for after you roll some focus.

Doing that still gives your opponent a chance to react, as opposed to comboing Infamous, Ace and Throne Room, but Imperial Armory is also a good home for Crime Lord, as seen with eJabba/Vader (even with eJango, perhaps).

It is situational. It is a good threat and secondary win condition, but would ensure you have ways to deal damage and mill. Jabba/Vader and jabba/dooku do this. Would run one crime Lord and one ace in the hole. If it happens, great. if not your only out two card spots.