Undefended attack clarification

By Randyman, in Rules questions & answers

I think I'm doing this properly but just want to confirm -- during an undefended attack, can the damage be assigned to any hero, even if you have one that is not exhausted and will then counterattack? This seems a little gamey but here's my current example:

Playing solo, I have two heros committed to the quest but undamaged Gimli is not. An enemy card is drawn and must be engaged due to threat. I leave the attack undefended and it puts two points of damage on one hero -- I select Gimli to take the damage. He now can attack back with an attack strength of 4 due to his special ability (?!?) and ends up killing the attacking enemy.

Just wanted to be sure this is legal !

Your understanding is correct.

Yep, that's legal. It can be a good move with Gimli, but beware of shadow effects that are worse for undefended attacks!