Dice Rolling App?

By CBMarkham, in Star Wars: Destiny

So I've been playing with various online deck builders a ton and doing mock opening draws, and it's a lot of fun. The thing that seems to be missing is an application where you can choose your characters and do some test rolls to get a feel for average types of outcomes. A feature to add upgrades to the roll would obviously be a huge plus.

I know that you can use math to get a solid grip on average results and expected outcomes, but sometimes rolling the dice a 40 or 50 times helps to give you a better understanding.

...so who's getting on this and when can I expect it? I'm not a programmer at all, but this is clearly something we need. I thank our more programming savvy nerds in advance for their hard work.

You mean something like this: http://dice.swdestiny.com/ ?

You mean something like this: http://dice.swdestiny.com/ ?

I assume that the link is a work in progress. Could obviously use features like filtering the drop down list by faction or color, or by re-rolling certain dice but not all, but it's a fantastic start and a fantastic tool. Appreciate the link.