Next set after Awakenings and expected future release pace ?

By vLabz, in Star Wars: Destiny


I guess FFG will not indicate right here what will be the next Star Wars Destiny set after the initial "awakening" set, but I'd like to know when it will be announced... ?

And also, do we have knowledge of the release rate of such sets, should we expect something like 1 set every 6 months ?

I think FFG should give us a minimum of info about that "rate"... Maybe I missed it somewhere.

I think my FLGS said late Feb or March. It's in trade magazines?

3 sets a year... so every 4 months.

I think it's called "Spirit of the Rebellion" - while it's smart to have characters/cards from throughout the universe, I think the main theme will be from Rogue One to use momentum from the movie.

I heard someone say quarterly, which would make since because that would make the next set come out in late January, which is is right after the last awakenings shipment we know of is.

FFG announced officially that their goal is 3 sets a year, and new starters once a year.

The week Destiny launched, they mistakingly tweeted a link to an unpublished article (so no one saw the actual article). The tweet said the next set is called Spirit of Rebellion and will feature rogue One characters.

We also know the goal is for sets to be around 160 cards, and for each set to have 24 canon characters.

I would wonder if FFG will push back the next expansion until sufficient amounts of Awakenings has hit the market or just keep both expansions in circulation for the majority of the 1st and 2nd Qtr of 2017.

I would wonder if FFG will push back the next expansion until sufficient amounts of Awakenings has hit the market or just keep both expansions in circulation for the majority of the 1st and 2nd Qtr of 2017.

Do we have any idea if FFG will stop printing Awakenings at any point? As far as I know, whenever they run out of a product in stores and the demand still exists, they just reprint and then ship it out, right? As far as I know, Netrunner sets and X-Wing ships never stop getting printed (although some products can be hard to get at certain times).

...I'm already having anxiety about waiting too long to get enough product and then not being able to later. Is it showing?

I would wonder if FFG will push back the next expansion until sufficient amounts of Awakenings has hit the market or just keep both expansions in circulation for the majority of the 1st and 2nd Qtr of 2017.

Do we have any idea if FFG will stop printing Awakenings at any point? As far as I know, whenever they run out of a product in stores and the demand still exists, they just reprint and then ship it out, right? As far as I know, Netrunner sets and X-Wing ships never stop getting printed (although some products can be hard to get at certain times).

...I'm already having anxiety about waiting too long to get enough product and then not being able to later. Is it showing?

The difference is that those games aren't collectible, so it will have to stop being printed at some point to remain collectible.

I've heard rumors that there won't be anymore Awakenings printed. Our store said his FFG rep told him that they aren't printing it anymore and that the rest of it is in various stages of shipping, not sure how credible it is. Others have said the same thing on Facebook. We'll see I guess.

The difference is that those games aren't collectible, so it will have to stop being printed at some point to remain collectible.

Ugh, I frakin' hate this mentality and I hate collectible games for this reason. Netrunner was this idea done right.

Unfortunately, my love for SW: Destiny as a game is overwhelming my sense of indignation at being forced to chase cards with artificially inflated " rarity ".

Well played, FFG. Well played.

I would wonder if FFG will push back the next expansion until sufficient amounts of Awakenings has hit the market or just keep both expansions in circulation for the majority of the 1st and 2nd Qtr of 2017.

Do we have any idea if FFG will stop printing Awakenings at any point? As far as I know, whenever they run out of a product in stores and the demand still exists, they just reprint and then ship it out, right? As far as I know, Netrunner sets and X-Wing ships never stop getting printed (although some products can be hard to get at certain times).

...I'm already having anxiety about waiting too long to get enough product and then not being able to later. Is it showing?

As mentioned, I would assume Awakenings will stop printing at some point to keep the demand and collectibility intact. If FFG just kept running Awakenings (or any other expansion) then rare/hot material like Vader would come down in price over time and collectors would just play the waiting game with future expansions hoping that oversaturation will cause every rare/hot card to fall in price. I know the starter packs will present all year, but I can't see running Awakenings past mid-2017 at the latest.

Unless they're treating Awakenings as the "core" set. At the very least, they'd have to keep the starter boxes in print, or else releasing new expansions isn't going to help get new players into the game.

The difference is that those games aren't collectible, so it will have to stop being printed at some point to remain collectible.

Ugh, I frakin' hate this mentality and I hate collectible games for this reason. Netrunner was this idea done right.

Unfortunately, my love for SW: Destiny as a game is overwhelming my sense of indignation at being forced to chase cards with artificially inflated " rarity ".

Well played, FFG. Well played.

Yeah, this game as an Living Dice and Card game would have be pretty cool, but it likely would have to have been reworked. It would have been interesting to see how they would have worked that. I can't think of how they could have done as many cards with dice as well have now, all in swoop without the booster pack model. The "core" as the 2 starters in 1, but then the rest of the stuff...I don't know.

Unless they're treating Awakenings as the "core" set. At the very least, they'd have to keep the starter boxes in print, or else releasing new expansions isn't going to help get new players into the game.

I think starters are staying in print until the next set of starters come out, it's the boosters that will stop at some point before that. Or so I've heard. Again, all speculation and hearsay. It'll be interesting to see how it all shakes out.

Edited by netherspirit

I'm pretty sure that's how Magic does it. Their standard set for the year stays in print all year, then expansions have a set amount and go out of print. It's just most FFG gamers haven't experienced that model either ever or in a long time.

I was under the impression that SW destiny won't have cycles, which means everything will probably always need to be available like all their other games. That said i don't see how a ccg could survive with out a cycle for long, but i don't see it going out for print for 2 years

My cousin's former brother's roommate says this post is a lie.

Truth is no one knows, except FFG any they maybe haven't make up their minds. This is FFG's first collectible game in a while, but don't expect them to run their business like other companies do. Set's may always be reprinted or not. There may or may not be the 3 sets per year they want. Your cards may endlessly drop if value with every reprint, or they may not. Given the production troubles they are having, I wouldn't be surprised if the next set didn't come out till GenCon.

3 set per year, 1 set of starters per year, has been confirmed, on a podcast I believe. As for print runs, I'm so sick of having to say this so PLEASE tell everyone you know that has no experience in TCGs. A set will be in print for at least a year, maybe two. It also depends on if we ever get a rotating format like standard in MTG. A company would never stop printing a set after a month of it being out, not even supplemental products go out of print that fast. Everyone claiming that they were told by distributors and stuff, are wrong and misheard. With all the issues with product right now FFG is just trying to get enough out for everyone to play, no company, not even Games Workshop, would be dumb enough to stop production on something this hot, it's also not how TCGs get produced anyway.

So in summary:

3 sets per year

1 set of starters per year

sets don't least print for at least a year

probably more based on popularity of the game

Moral of the story, don't buy inflated cards on the secondary market. Very few are gonna hold their value and I'd wager even the ones that do will drop.

Direct quote from Asmodee:

Update from Asmodee:
As many of you already know, Star Wars: Destiny is set to release on December 1st. Due to the complexity of manufacturing our premium dice, as well as the size of the print run, we have been forced to break this print run into four shipments. This was necessary in order to get product to your store as fast as possible. The first shipment, as stated previously, is set for December 1st. Additional shipments will arrive on approximately December 15th, December 22nd, and finally, in early January.

Looks to me like January will be the end of the first print run of this edition. Whether or not FFG decides to run a second print run is up in the air. Based on the production issues they've had, I find it hard to believe, they'll be able to simultaneously run a supplemental print run of this edition alongside their first expansion. Even if they do, based on past FFG experiences, their reprint runs take three to six months to hit the shelves. If they started reprinting now, I wouldn't expect new product until April at the earliest. With the tournament season coming up, I expect the secondary market to maintain it's current value, which is a good thing for a collectible game's long-term health.

Direct quote from Asmodee:

Update from Asmodee:

As many of you already know, Star Wars: Destiny is set to release on December 1st. Due to the complexity of manufacturing our premium dice, as well as the size of the print run, we have been forced to break this print run into four shipments. This was necessary in order to get product to your store as fast as possible. The first shipment, as stated previously, is set for December 1st. Additional shipments will arrive on approximately December 15th, December 22nd, and finally, in early January.

Looks to me like January will be the end of the first print run of this edition. Whether or not FFG decides to run a second print run is up in the air. Based on the production issues they've had, I find it hard to believe, they'll be able to simultaneously run a supplemental print run of this edition alongside their first expansion. Even if they do, based on past FFG experiences, their reprint runs take three to six months to hit the shelves. If they started reprinting now, I wouldn't expect new product until April at the earliest. With the tournament season coming up, I expect the secondary market to maintain it's current value, which is a good thing for a collectible game's long-term health.

That is true, but this announcement doesn't mention if a second print run is already done, which it very well could be. They also don't mention if the 4 shipments are even the same size, so the 4th wave could be huge. Overall the announcement is just talking about this current print run, and shouldn't be taken as no more prints are coming ever. FFG is a good company and wouldn't release a ccg with such a small amount of product for it's first set, that would be suicide. I just hope they have a faster shipping method for this game, as apposed to what they do with everything else.

My local store has gotten in and sold ~80ish booster boxes. I'm not really feeling product scarcity.

My local store has gotten in and sold ~80ish booster boxes. I'm not really feeling product scarcity.

You are in the minority. I bought three booster boxes and had to drive to two different stores to do so over the first two waves of releases. The one store has a handful of boxes in stock now and the other has been sold out since the second shipping wave.

My local store has gotten in and sold ~80ish booster boxes. I'm not really feeling product scarcity.

Meanwhile my store has gotten a total of 5. The other store in town has gotten 2 and isn't expecting more before february.

My local store has gotten in and sold ~80ish booster boxes. I'm not really feeling product scarcity.

Meanwhile my store has gotten a total of 5. The other store in town has gotten 2 and isn't expecting more before february.

One of my stores has gotten nothing.

Why does every stupid thread in this forum end up in a "lack of supply"-thread?

Stop this **** and go back to topic!

I am already really angry as 50% of threads are used for crying about missing boosters...

Edited by Veritas85

Why does every stupid thread in this forum end up in a "lack of supply"-thread?

Stop this **** and go back to topic!

I am already really angry as 50% of threads are used for crying about missing boosters...