Hi all
I have a player running a Wookie PC, complete with bowcaster. He's really interested in the idea of alternative ammo types - especially the idea of turning it into an area-affect stun weapon, which the fluff suggests is absolutely a thing that bowcasters can do - but there's no rules for this so I'm trying to come up with my own.
The issue I have is that the RAW bowcaster is NOT - unlike the Malaxan grenade launcher - a limited-ammo weapon, implying that its quarrels are small enough and easy enough to manufacture in quantity. So I was thinking that, instead of having the PC craft individual quarrels, he could craft ammo clips for different types of quarrel. This would essentially be like crafting a unique weapon, except that when the ammo runs out (from Threat or Despair) he would have to craft an entirely new one. Essentially, he'd be crafting specialised Extra Reloads. (My theory is this would also save on book keeping - otherwise he and I have got to keep track of the differences in each individual quarrel he crafts!)
Does this sound like a good idea? If so, what should the time/cost/difficulty be? I was figuring about 6 hours, 200 credits of parts and a Hard Mechanics check, looking at template examples in Special Modifications . Also, how powerful would you make the quarrels? I feel that giving them full grenade-like stats is making them OP, since they won't be limited ammo or restricted to short range, but they also need to be worth using.
What are people's thoughts on this?
Thanks in advance.