Deck for a tourney this weekend

By Thanoseid, in Star Wars: Destiny

Let me know what you guys think of this deck. I am calling it "The Force Awakens Flunkies". It consists of:

Cpt Phasma

First Order Stormtrooper

E Bala-Tik

-On the hunt


-DH-17 Blaster Pistol


-IQA-11Blaster Rifle

-First Order Tie Fighter x2

-Jetpack x2

-F-11D Rifle x2


-Scramble x2

-Go for the kill x2

-Drudge work x2

-Take cover x2

-Unpredictable x2

-He doesn't like you x2

-Backup muscle x2

-Closing the net x2



I have used the cards that I currently have until I get more packs. Once I get 2 holdout blasters, another of each DH-17 and IQA-11 Blasters I will make some changes to the deck. I am still missing some uncommons which could fit nicely into the deck. I may have overlooked some cards so feel free to let me know what you guys would change and who knows I may have the cards/dice to make some of them.

Throw out Closing the net and scout (hero card). Take Flank.

As was mentioned Scout is a hero card. Otherwise I don't think the TIE fighters are all that useful. I like Speeder Bikes better but don't often get them out either. If you have one or two Cunning is a must have in Yellow decks.

Cunning isn't required in every deck. Could be an OK filler here, but I don't see the need aside from hoping your opponent has something good to use with it.

So this is pretty fundamentally an agro deck. I think you need 2 holdout blaster, and a second DH-11 blaster. Without those, your ability to get Bala-tik online is going to be too slow. A few nice to haves might be a copy of leadership, and, if available, one copy of Commanding Presence. Consider "Firepower" over "Go for the Kill".

Cunning isn't required in every deck. Could be an OK filler here, but I don't see the need aside from hoping your opponent has something good to use with it.

In my opinion Cunning is quite possibly the best card out there.

Cunning isn't required in every deck. Could be an OK filler here, but I don't see the need aside from hoping your opponent has something good to use with it.

In my opinion Cunning is quite possibly the best card out there.

Yes and no. It is really good. That special will win you games for sure. But I don't see how it fits in this deck. For the blaster specials? Eh. Just as good as straight damage in most cases. On the Hunt and TIE Fighter? Situational. On the Hunt is great control, but now this deck might be losing direction.