This isn't a review as such, but I wanted to post a thread in support of this fun little game.
I ignored this game for a while because it looks (and admittedly is) very similar to the game 'boxes' you can play for free (and probably did whilst procrastinating at school) with nothing more than a pen and sheet of paper. However, the program stack (deck of cards) which limits the moves you can actually do as well as each runner's unique selection of programs combined with the production value actually make this a very fun and quick time burner. The game is quick, fun and cheap and in my opinion, worth picking up if you have some cash burning a hole in your pocket- it makes for a nice light game which fills the gap nicely between larger, more epic games on a game day. The only caveat is that you need 3-4 players to enjoy it- the game just doesn't work well with 2 people. The board feels far too open and it's very easy for the two players to cancel each other's move if certain cards come out.
All in all, I recommend this. I played a friend's copy over Christmas multiple times with two and four players. I'll look into picking up a copy for myself when I head home after the holidays.