CC Spy nets with Fighter Ambush

By DeadPunker, in Star Wars: Armada Rules Questions

So with Fighter Ambush and Spy Nets, they both say 'after deploying fleets'. Which one takes precedence? So do both sides deploy all their ships, then resolve there spy nets, and finally 2nd player deploys his squadrons. Or is it both sides deploy all their ships, then finally 2nd player deploys his squadrons, finally you resolve spy nets. Or are they intermixed?

If the timing is the same I believe first player has to go first.

RRG p.5 "Effect use and timing":

• If two or more of a player’s effects have the same timing,
that player can resolve those effects in any order.
• If both players have effects with the same timing, the first
player resolves all of his effects with that timing first.

So the order would be:

1. 1st player resolves Spy Net; then

2. 2nd player resolves Spy Net and Fighter Ambush in any order .

Thank you
