Chicago-land Destiny League Play 1/6/17-2/24/17

By GoldSquadron, in Star Wars: Destiny


League play is casual games of Star Wars: Destiny played over the course of 2 months. During the first 7 weeks each member of the league has 1 week to play up to 2 games of Destiny. Every game you play earns you 3 league points and ever game you win earns you 1 additional point. After those 7 weeks of play your best 4 weeks will be used as your total score.

The league is formated to reward participation but not punish those who simply can't make it ever week, but if they do they can be rewarded.

The top 8 players will then play off during Championship week (week 8) to determine the champion. Everyone else will play for chances at winning additional items out of the league kit.

Everyone has a chance a winni ng official FFG prizes. Anyone can play a game during our league nights regardless if they are a part of the league but only league members will be eligible for prizes. A league game can be played anytime during store hours but our scheduled meet up time is every Friday 6 pm to close.

Entry- $15 (This covers all 2 months of play) in addition all players will receive 3 boosters of Star Wars Destiny just for joining the league.

Where- Pastimes 8502 W. Golf Road Niles, IL 60714 (Next Door to Walmart)

When- Anytime during store hours but our scheduled meetups are every Friday Night 6pm to close 1/6-2/24

Format- SW Destiny Constructed Format

Prizes- The prizes will come from everyones pooled entry fee. 100% of the entry goes towards prize support which can include but not limited to FFG Official Kits, Alt Art Varients, New FFG Products, Store Credit, Trophies, & Playmats.


Edited by Shanks

Don't forget league play begins tonight and I just acquired some additional prize support for this event. We will have over 20 players in this league which will make it one of the largest groups in chicago to practice, play, and trade with!