Cc turn 1

By Drakkars, in Star Wars: Armada Battle Reports

Think my posting screwed up...oops

Anyhow battle reports from my groups first 2 battles of the CC


Corellian campaign turn 1

The first battle for Vagran

As the rebel fleet advanced towards the neutral planet of Vagran, intent on seizing it to gain the advantage of its repair yards and to deny the empire the same, commander Sato ordered a halt, feeling uneasy about the dense asteroid field ahead of them. The fleet spread out and ordered it's fighter wing to provide a tight protective coverage of the capital ships as they advanced.

Sato’s wariness proved correct as immediately the sensor crews yelled “contact!” Imperial fighters poured out of their hiding places in the asteroids and debris fields surrounding the rebel fleet. The tension ratcheted up to an even higher level as the sleek deadly forms of imperial war ships appeared in the distance.

Grimly Sato hit his mic and addressed the Rebel fleet.

“ All hands, battle stations! It's an ambush! All ships fire your AA batteries, squadrons keep them off our backs!”

Fighters raced to intercept the enemy, with an x wing squadron and the a wing ace, Shara Bey, the first to strike, setting off a massive dog fight with 3 tie fighter squadrons and Morna Kee, pilot of a Decimator, in a desperate attempt to protect the flagship, an MC80 Battle Cruiser, and alpha flight of the Bwing squadrons. First one tie squadron fell, then a second and then a third! But not before they exacted vengeance by burning down the Xwings and Bwings of alpha flight. AA fire from the MC80 inflicted damage on the Decimator, but it was far from out of the fight.

On the other edge of the battlefield Bravo and Charlie flights of Xwings engaged 2 more squadrons of tie fighters and the interceptor ace Ciena Ree while a Lambda class’s shuttle piloted by Colonel Jen done lurked in the rear. The Xwings destroyed both tie fighters but were unable to handle Cienna Ree who fought like a demon, destroying 1 Xwings before slipping away to engage the last remaining Bwing squadrons in the fleet. Despite heavy counter fire from the Neb B escort frigate Salvation, Pelta class assault ship and the Bwings themselves they were like lambs to the slaughter as nothing they did seemed able to stop the interceptor ace, as both Bwings crumbled over the next several minutes and a damaged but still game Cienna Ree moved on to look for her next victims.

As these battles raged the capital ships moved inevitably closer and finally were in range to attack. The first to strike was the Rebel flagship firing a massive frontal alpha strike at a gozanti class Flotilla which had snuck slightly too close to Shara Bey, allowing Sato to unleash his full power. All batteries fired and a massive explosion erupted which should have destroyed the gozanti immediately, but somehow, inexplicably the gozanti slipped away undamaged. Sato stared dumbfounded at his gunnery crew and muttered under his breath about how they had to be the least accurate gunners he’d ever seen in his life.

An Arquitens class Cruiser and the Interdictor advanced up the far side of the field exchanging fire with the Pelta before suddenly the Arquitens seized it’s chance and dashed into the side arc of the Neb B and unleashed a hellish double strike that somehow the Salvation managed to weather, though large chunks of it broke off and drifted away and fires raged uncontrollably. Knowing they were doomed and with the Arquitens now drifting ahead of them, the valiant crews of the Salvation chose to not abandon ship but instead counter fired with a massive Sato infused return double shot that saw the Arquitens explode and the battered Neb B fly through the burning wreckage.

The Pelta class faired less well. Already damaged by the Arquitens and Interdictors assault it was trapped in place by cunning maneuvering by the Imperial admiral Motti (or poor flying by the Pelta?) and was steadily hammered down by cannon fire and ramming attacks despite the best efforts of its damage control teams.

As the battle raged on the end game appeared. The Decimator was finally eliminated and the gozanti cruisers had fled out of range but not before it’s slicer teams attacked the computers of the Mc80. Despite this Sato managed to order the last 2 remaining fighter squads of the rebel fleet, Shara Bey and the Bravo flight Xwings into close battle against the Victory class Star Destroyer that loomed directly ahead of the mc80, Salvation and the rebel transports. Massed fire and Bomber attacks first broke through the shields of the Victory, then cracked it’s spine and killed it, but not before it finished the destruction of the Salvation and savagely smashed the shields down off the MC80.

Sensing defeat Motti ordered the Interdictor leave the fight and the Lambda shuttle and gozantis followed it home. Shara Bey, A wing ace, drove one final strike home for the Rebels though, catching the Imperial ace, Cienna Ree, from behind and finally managed to destroy the ace that had killed so many rebel fighters.

Both fleets survived to lick their wounds, though the Rebels emerged with the narrow hard fought victory


Imperial Assault

"The fleet is ready, Governor. We await your orders." the bridge officer stated as the Imperial fleet positioned itself on the outskirts of the Polanis system.

"Rebel fleet detected, sir!" another officer reported.

"Alert all commands," Grand Moff Tarkin ordered from the command deck of his Imperial Star Destroyer. "You may fire when ready."

As the bulbous shape of an MC80 cruiser moved past orbital debris fields, flanked by an Assault frigate and the silhouettes of a pair of CR90 corvettes, the Imperial fleet increased their speed to engage. The two fleets closed, automated beacons sprang to life, transmitting targeting data to the Rebel ships. Rebel X- and A-Wings moved to support their allies.

"Deploy our fighters and engage," Tarkin declared. "Let us take back a victory for the Emperor."

Home One, the Rebel flagship MC80, drew first blood, as long range turbolaser shots splashed against the shields of the Gladiator Demolisher, causing minimal damage. Demolisher raced in to return fire, scoring a glancing blow while misjudging its speed, scraping its hull against the MC80.

"Ackbar," Tarkin growled under his breath, recognizing the Mon Calamari's tactics. "Tell the flotillas to get our fighters ahead to engage the enemy!" he demanded.

TIE Fighter squadrons led by the aces Howlrunner and Maul Mithel tore into the enemy while the Gozanti carriers fired their own turbolasers at the passing Assault frigate.

As Tarkin moved his flagship to punish the frigate and corvettes, Ackbar countered with Home One pulverizing the Demolisher, sending it careening away, burning and out of the fight. With Ackbar's attention was on the Gladiator, the sleek Imperial Raider darted in, shredding Home One's shields before speeding away, out of the fight.

While Tarkin's Star Destroyer traded shot for shot with the frigate and twin CR90s, the Imperial Arquitens cruiser moved to seize and advantage. Unfortunately, Ackbar was prepared, launching a savage burst of broadside turbolaser fire, vaporizing the light cruiser.

Alarms blaring on the command bridge of the flagship, Tarkin ordered his gunnery teams to unleash hell, crippling the Rebel frigate. As escape pods poured from the Rebel ship, the Corvettes pressed the attack. Shields buckling and fires raging throughout the ship, Tarkin raced to his personal shuttle and fled, leaving his flagship to crumple under the unrelenting assault of the smaller ships. He commed his remaining ships, ordering a withdrawal. Enroute back to Coruscant, Tarkin planned his report to the Emperor in silence, dreading adding his defeat to the recent loss to that of Admiral Motti.

What was the total repair cost for all the ships that were destroyed? From the write-up, it doesn't seem like there'll be enough Refit points to fix everything.

You are absolutely correct. I don't have my repair costs in front of me but think it's breaking down like this for next turn

Rebel Sato fleet - leaving 1 Xwing scarred to be able to afford 3 small upgrades.

Rebel ackbar fleet - 2 small upgrades. Nothing scarred. Rebels also built a new base

Imperial Motti fleet- all 5 tie fighters are left scarred. Added a tie defender to the fleet.

Imperial tarkin fleet -left the Arquitens scarred so they could afford an upgrade or 2. Didn't have enough points to refit the Arquitens anyhow.

Games getting interesting just 1 turn in. Think it's going to be a double show of force and supply raid next round to build the fleets up some.

I think you can only run one show of force (special assault) per round. Exciting stuff, keep 'em comin'.

Ya meant the Rebels would do a hyperspace Lane raid and the imps would do a show of force, 1 each the next turn. Though I'm leaning towards going for a spy net planet next instead if I can convinice my team since we have a resource lead at the moment.

Hoping we can get another set of games in this week