Difference between "Play and Move" Rey and Redeploy

By Sonteric, in Star Wars: Destiny

Question: Does Rey's ability trigger if an upgrade is redeployed to her?

Her abilitys says: "After you play an upgrade on this character, you may take one additional action."

On cards with Redeploy it says: "After its character is defeated, move this card."

/tldr So to me that all reads like Rey's ability will not trigger because the redeployed card has not been played on her, it has only been moved to her. I'm pretty sure that there are other people who will say that it does trigger her ability so I would like to hear peoples answer and reasoning. I would really appreciate an FFG answer as too.

The rulebook has this to say in several areas:

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After an upgrade or support is played, it is added to the play

area and is in play. Characters also start the game in play,

and remain there until defeated. Events are never in play;

they are played, resolved, and discarded without entering the

play area.

• The abilities on cards in play can be used.

A card enters play when it transitions from an out-of-play

area to the in play area.

• “From play” is short for “from the in play area.”

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• Playing an Upgrade: The player chooses and attaches the

upgrade to a character by placing it next to or below that

character. Before paying the cost to play an upgrade, the

player can choose to replace an upgrade that is already

on the chosen character. The cost to play the new upgrade

is decreased by the cost of the old upgrade, and the old

upgrade is discarded when the new one comes into play. If

the old upgrade costs equal to or more than the new one,

then the new upgrade is free.

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When a character has damage on it equal to its health, it is

immediately defeated. Remove all of its dice from the game

(both its character and upgrade dice), discard all upgrades

on it, and remove the character card from the game.

• Any excess damage dealt to a character from a source that

defeats the character is ignored. A player can deal more

damage to a character than they have health, even when

distributing the damage as they wish (e.g., from the special

on the F-11D Rifle).

• When all of a player’s characters are defeated, they lose.

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This keyword only appears on upgrades. After the attached

character is defeated, its controller may immediately move

this upgrade to any of their other characters. The upgrade die

moves to the new character card, even if it was in the dice pool.

• The Redeploy keyword ignores play restrictions when

attaching to a new character.

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Some effects allow players to move cards or tokens.

• When something moves, it cannot move to its same

(current) placement. If there is no valid destination for a

move, the move cannot resolve.

• When damage is moved to a new character, it ignores

shields and the character is not considered to have

taken damage.

So to me that all reads like Rey's ability will not trigger because the redeployed card has not been played on her, it has only been moved to her. I'm pretty sure that there are other people who will say that it does trigger her ability so I would like to hear peoples answer and reasoning.


Edited by Sonteric

I think you have it.

If you want an answer from FFG then you need to use the "contact us form" here for rules questions.

I think by the letter of the rules (the only way to play) that the OP is right.

'Playing a card' refers to it going from your hand to the in play area. Redeploy applies to a card already in the play area. So, I wouldn't expect Rey to trigger her extra action ability in that case.

Edited by jonamok

" • The Redeploy keyword ignores play restrictions when

attaching to a new character."

Interesting, ive missed this one. So any character can use any redeployed card no matter type or color.

The OP is definitely correct, "Move" and "Play" are distinctly different terms. Rey's ability will not trigger when Upgrades are moved to her via Redeploy.

In the exact same way, "Moving" damage is distinctly different than "Dealing" damage. For example, Count Dooku may not use his ability to discard a card and add a shield when damage is "Moved" to him by Backup Muscle or Willpower.